Style & Fashion

Must-Haves To Carry In Your Purse Every Day

Must-Haves To Carry In Your Purse Every Day
Cash for your car

The best purse is one that’s always ready to grab as we head out the door. We’ve found a few must-haves to carry in your purse every day. It’s the simple things that make our busy lives a little easier, so let’s look at those must-haves.

Hair Ties

You never know: you head out for the day, and the skies are nothing but calm. But, later, the wind picks up, and walking to your car after work is a nightmare, as hair is whipping you in the face. Or temperatures rise in the office, and the last thing you need is your long hair draped on your neck. Keep a hair tie or two in your purse for hair emergencies.

Business Cards

If you’re a businessperson, then business cards are one of the top must-haves to carry in your purse every day. Not only should you keep a good supply of the cards, but you also need to protect them from damage. Maybe yours is different, but purses are a bit frightening inside for most of us. Protect your business cards with a protective case. You can even make a simple business card case yourself, so your cards are lint-free without ripped or creased edges.

Breath Mints

No one wants to talk about it, but those tacos we all love for lunch do a number on our breath. Keep some breath mints in your purse for those “just in case” moments.

Healthy Snack

Speaking of tacos, if you get hungry between meals and want to avoid the temptation of fast food or a vending machine, keep healthy snacks in your purse for when a healthy treat isn’t an option. Nuts, an apple, dried fruit, or a granola bar will tide you over so that you don’t grab something you’ll regret later.


There’s nothing more annoying than dry hands when there is nothing you can do about it. Keep a small bottle of hand lotion in your purse so you don’t have the distraction of dry skin. Also, don’t forget the lips: lip moisturizer is essential in your purse.

Hand Sanitizer

Soap and water are great but, sometimes, the soap in a public restroom runs out. Keep some hand sanitizer in your purse for those times.

Facial Tissues

Facial tissue comes in handy for quite a few things. Of course, first and foremost, blowing our nose, but also for discreetly spitting out chewing gum, cleaning a spill, or even wiping off a desk or table. There are handy little tissue packs designed for purses.

So, there you have it—the must-haves for your purse. Stock up, and don’t forget to refill when you’ve used your essentials.

About the author

Stephanie Ross