Health & Fitness

3 Ways to Combat Alcohol Addiction

alcohol addiction
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Acknowledging that you are struggling with a substance abuse addiction and choosing to take action is difficult. For some, it can even feel impossible. You’re not alone, and while the road to recovery can be tricky, you are worth the effort it takes to travel it. Recovery is a gradual process. Try not to feel discouraged when you don’t see progress towards long-term sobriety right away. There are many resources available and treatment options to help you with addiction management.

1. Evaluate Your Circumstances

It may sound oversimplified, but an excellent place to start is weighing the pros and cons of drinking alcohol. Sometimes, stepping outside your perspective to honestly examine your situation is necessary for change. What are your pros? Do you have a good time when you drink? Does it temporarily help you avoid thinking about problems you may be experiencing in your life? Does alcohol operate as a stress reliever for you?

Now, consider the cons. Your consideration of the cons is likely what brought you to the realization that you want to stop drinking. Get your thoughts down on paper. Has your addiction harmed your personal relationships? Is your physical health suffering as a result of excessive alcohol consumption? Are you feeling sick and sleeping late, causing you to miss out on things you used to enjoy? Keeping these elements in the back of your mind throughout your sobriety process can help you remember why you’ve decided to quit and why it’s worth it.

2. Develop a Treatment Plan

alcohol addictionAlcohol addiction is one of the most common addictions in the United States. Therefore, it can be challenging to choose a particular plan when faced with such a wide variety of options. Utilizing online resources like USArx can help you identify your treatment options and begin to narrow them down. While it’s true that you are not alone in suffering from addiction, your needs may differ from others. Consider what form of treatment may work best for you.

Addiction treatment takes many forms. Your medical treatment may include behavioral therapy, prescription medication, detoxes, or a combination of all three. Consulting with an addiction specialist and receiving professional medical advice regarding your particular situation is essential.

3. Consider a Rehabilitation Program

alcohol addictionMany people who struggle with addiction choose to go to rehab. The reason for this is that it is often an immersive experience. Rehab allows you to utilize behavioral health services and substance abuse treatment the moment you need it.

Some rehabilitation centers provide sufferers of substance abuse addiction with round-the-clock care from masters-level clinicians and robust mental health programs, like The Hope House. Medical advice, therapy, and personalized care regarding the specifics of your alcohol use disorder are invaluable tools to combat addiction. For more information regarding The Hope House, visit

Deciding to seek help is immensely challenging. Many of those who struggle from substance abuse addiction also struggle with denial. Now that you’ve recognized your addiction and committed to bettering yourself, the next step will be much easier. Recovery takes time. Refer back to your pros and cons list and add to it each time another aspect presents itself to you. Your implementation of goals and a solid treatment plan can help keep you on track during long-term recovery.

Professional medical attention can provide you with a better understanding of alcoholism and its effects on your body. By seeking treatment, you’ll be able to obtain expert medical advice pertaining to your particular situation. Personalized advice is imperative because no two people are exactly alike. Aside from doctors and psychologists, look into social worker and counselor services in your community. Building a solid support system to uphold your treatment plan is an excellent way to supplement your recovery.

Feature photo by Cottonbro

About the author

Gianna Brighton