Home & Family

How To Decorate According to Your Astrological Sign

decorate according to your astrological sign
Cash for your car

Ever get a weird feeling that your home doesn’t have the right… vibe? Maybe you just haven’t consulted the stars. Learn how to decorate according to your astrological sign so you’ll harmonize with your surroundings.

December 22–January 19

Tradition is essential for your sign, so you’ll love bookish elements like leather chairs, antiques, and an elegant desk. Look to classic libraries for inspiration.

Colors: Brown, navy, hunter green

January 20–February 18

You gravitate toward modern décor featuring glass, chrome, and sharp angles. Soften things up with pillows and blankets that have different textures.

Colors: Blue, purple, peach

February 19–March 20

You’ll need at least one quiet spot in your home for meditation, music, or dreaming. Go for a coastal or beach style so you’ll feel like you’re on permanent vacation with a rattan lamp or chair.

Colors: Purple, green, blue

March 21–April 19

Devote some square footage to creativity with a crafting table or painting studio. It’s not always easy for you to be productive, so use bold colors to stay awake and motivated.

Colors: Red, pink, yellow

April 20–May 20

You have expensive taste, so save up to buy high-end pieces like the perfect leather sofa. You’re ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, so art is a priority, too.

Colors: Burgundy, green, brown

May 21–June 20

Embrace your ever-evolving décor; just don’t spend too much money on one phase. Concentrate most of your attention on creating a cozy space for entertaining.

Colors: White, orange, brown

June 21–July 22

You’re sentimental, so give family photos and travel souvenirs a place of honor in your home. You’re also drawn to the kitchen. Keep it folksy with farmhouse accents and distressed wood.

Colors: White, pale blue, silver

July 23–August 22

Remind yourself of your astrological roots with small animal skin touches like a faux fur rug. You’re a fire sign, so make sure your fireplace is the focal point of your home.

Colors: Red, turquoise, gold

August 23–September 22

Since this is an earth element, keep things natural: woven materials, plants, and interesting stones or geodes. Virgos are perfectionists, so make sure you have enough storage to stash your stuff.

Colors: Light green, gray, white

September 23–October 22

The other signs can learn from your sense of balance. Just beware of accumulating clutter. Focus on creating a dining room that will be welcoming for all your friends.

Colors: Blue, pink, gray

October 23–November 2

Your bedroom is the most important space in your home. Decorate with water elements that calm you, whether it’s artwork or a zen fountain on your vanity.

Colors: White, red, black

November 22–December 21

It’ll be difficult for you to learn how to decorate according to your astrological sign, because your aesthetic is influenced by your travels. Keep fresh flowers around, so the outdoors never feel too far away.

Colors: Indigo, turquoise, cream.

Feature photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich

About the author

Stephanie Ross