Beauty & Body Health & Fitness

A Basic Bro’s Guide to Looking Better

men's grooming and style
Cash for your car

In the past, caring about grooming and fashion was considered a feminine interest, but as tastes change and interests grow, more men have been taking care and putting effort into their appearance. This is not ending anytime soon.

You can feel pressure from social media to always be at the top of your game, but it can be overwhelming to try to jump into the deep end. We are here to offer you some basic information for you to look better and take care.

Grooming – How to Care For Your Body

1. Skin Care

No one likes dry, patchy skin. Skin is the largest organ of the body, and it is very obvious if you don’t care for it. It makes you itchy; you break out in acne; you have marks and scars all over your body.

Skincare is essential for everyone, and this does not exclude men. The first step would be identifying your skin type so that you can use products that will not be harsh on your skin.

The four major different skin types are Normal, Dry, Oily, and Combination. Dry skin is easily flaky and rough; you’ll often feel irritated or itch. Oily skin is greasy, and you are prone to more acne breakouts. Combination skin, you may have guessed, has traits of both dry and oily skin, while normal skin does not suffer these afflictions.

While each skin type has its requirements, you can generally follow this advice to care for your skin: 

  • Use a facial cleanser and moisturizer- Get one that is suitable for your skin, preferably in the morning and evening. 
  • Wear sunscreen – Get one that has SPF and antioxidants and protects your skin from harmful UV rays. 
  • Stay hydrated – Drink enough water to keep your skin full and prevent signs of aging.
2. Hair Care

In these modern times, hair styling for men has become an avenue for experimenting. This also includes facial hair. To some, how you maintain your hair sends the first impression about you.

Visit a salon regularly and get that haircut without fear and get your facial hair trimmed or neatly combed to your liking. Also, try out a new hair color by dying your hair once in a while to look different.

A significant concern when it comes to men and hair is what happens if you start losing it. You should feel no shame in addressing hair loss; however, you feel comfortable. Some men want to lean in and shave their heads bald, and that’s great! Others might seek out a professional to get a hair transplant in NJ, and that works too! There is no right or wrong way to address hair loss as long as you feel comfortable.

3. Teeth Care

It doesn’t matter how well-groomed you are. Fresh breath and a bright smile will always capture attention and never go unnoticed. This is why you should take your time to achieve this look.

You can do these things to help you:

  • Visit a dentist twice a year to clean your teeth.
  • Brush and floss- Brush twice a day and floss at least once every day before or after brushing.
  • Use a fluoridated mouthwash to prevent tooth decay- Use this at a different time from your brushing time.
  • Use various home remedies to brighten your teeth, such as using baking soda and lemon.

Style – How to Have a Fashion Sense

1. Be Comfortable

You don’t need to wear clothes fresh off the runway to have a fashion sense. Style is all about what you like and how you show it. If that means a fresh-pressed suit, that’s cool. If jeans and a flannel shirt are more your speed, that is just as good.

To find your style, look through your wardrobe, closets, dresser drawers, and find the pieces that you wear the most. If you like a piece of clothing, find new similar clothes to expand your wardrobe and build your style. Just try to avoid wearing the same thing every day and looking like a cartoon character.

2. Wear Fitting Clothes

You never look better than when wearing clothes that fit. This doesn’t mean that you should avoid baggy clothes at all costs (you don’t need to turn heads if you’re walking around the house in sweatpants), but for those nights out, you would look good in more fitting clothes.

Buy clothes that are your size, or, if you have the extra money, go to a tailor to get your clothes fitted. Clothes from a store are mass-produced so that one size fits many. A tailor will take your measurements and alter your clothes accordingly so that they fit your body specifically.

3. Experiment With More Bright-Colored Clothing

Like many fashion and grooming stereotypes, for some reason, bright, colorful clothes are considered to be “for women,” while men wear dark colors like navy, black, and gray.

Thankfully, times are changing. Colors like pink, yellow, purple, orange are no longer considered female-only colors.  Men who wear these bright colors are often considered very confident, and not everyone can easily pull off these looks. If you like a color, add it to your wardrobe.

Again, you don’t have to overdo it. Pair any up a brightly colored shirt with dark-colored pants to look more stylish.

The most important thing you can have in your toolbelt is confidence. Confidence is sexy. Whatever product or style you choose, take pride in your choice and own it. If something doesn’t work for you, feel free to change it as soon as you want. Identify the perfect style that suits you best and get along with it, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different things.

Jennifer BellAbout the Author

Jennifer Bell is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.

Feature photo by Andrea Piacquadio.

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Gianna Brighton