
Off-Roading Recovery Gear To Bring With You

Off-Roading Recovery Gear To Bring With You
Cash for your car

When tackling challenging obstacles, tough terrain, and pushing your vehicle to its limit overall, you must accept one very real risk: you might get stuck. In the event that your off-roading vehicle finds itself in a sticky situation, it’s important to have the right equipment to get it out and back on the trails safely. To ensure that you’re prepared for such a scenario, here is a list of the most important off-roading recovery gear to bring with you on your next adventure.

Traction Pads

When it comes to getting your vehicle unstuck from a slippery surface such as mud, ice, or snow, traction pads are one of the most effective tools. Essentially, traction pads are durable boards equipped with a tread that provides ample grip. By shoving them under your tire, they supply your vehicle with the traction it needs to latch onto something and drive out of an otherwise sticky situation.

A Shovel

When off-roading, one of the most important items to keep in your vehicle is a shovel. This simple tool will prove instrumental in helping you get out of a wide variety of binds. From digging your vehicle out of a ditch to scooping out snow under your tires so that you can regain the traction you require, a shovel will be your best friend when push comes to shove out on the trails. If you don’t have a lot of extra room in your vehicle, there are many adjustable or foldable shovels that will provide a compact solution.

Recovery Straps

Another type of important off-roading recovery gear to bring with you on your next excursion is recovery straps. By hooking these lightweight straps to the recovery points on your vehicle and attaching their other end to another vehicle, a good samaritan or a friend will hopefully be able to pull you free from any bind you get into. When choosing recovery straps, make sure that they can withstand the three times the gross weight of your vehicle to prevent them from snapping during your rescue attempt.

A Hi-Lift Jack

To get out of particularly deep holes or instances where you’ve bottomed out on a large obstacle, a hi-lift jack will prove highly beneficial. Such devices will allow you to lift, winch, clamp, push, and pull your vehicle. Needless to say, they serve as an invaluable tool in a wide range of scenarios. That being said, they aren’t necessarily the easiest tool to use. To avoid getting injured, make sure to have an experienced person show you how to use it before jacking up your vehicle.

About the author

Stephanie Ross