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What We Won’t Be Saying Goodbye To Post-Pandemic: The Unexpected Upsides To Being In Lockdown

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2020 was by far one of the most difficult years that the people of the world have faced, and with 2021 bringing with it another lockdown, the struggles are far from over yet. The successful COVID-19 vaccine distribution and the UK’s roadmap out of lockdown have restored a much-needed sense of hope back to the nation, and many people have started to think about life after lockdown.

And while we can’t wait for life to get back to normal, it’s a great time to reflect back on the three lockdowns and consider what we’d like to bring forward with us into this new normal. While we want to be clear that lockdown certainly wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, there were certainly a few unexpected upsides to the restrictions we’ve had to follow over the past year. Here are the things that we won’t be saying goodbye to post-pandemic:

Working From Home

Let’s face it, who doesn’t love being able to do their work from their bed in pajama bottoms? In April 2020, 46.6% of people in employment did some work at home, and while it seemed like a huge adjustment at the time, many of us now can’t picture what it would be like to work in an office again.

Not only do you have more flexibility at home to choose your lunch breaks, as well as start and finish times, but you’re also saving valuable money and time on your work commute. From an employer’s point of view, they won’t have to be spending money on electricity and office supplies and everything else you’d need to provide staff with.

This pandemic has taught us all that lots of jobs can be done from home- and actually, we’re a lot more self-motivated than we firs thought. With that being said, there are some major downsides to working from home- we spare a thought for all the wfh parents with young children! But for the most part, working from home has been a real joy.

Entertainment Without Having To Leave The House

Before the pandemic, socializing with friends was often a pretty costly experience. From meals out to trips to the cinema- not to mention bars and clubs- weekly entertainment outside of work can quickly eat away at your savings.

These days, it’s as normal to catch up with friends over a zoom call as it would have been to meet for a coffee in the past. The online entertainment sector also adapted to the lockdown rules, with Netflix Watch Party allowing us to watch content at the same time as our loved ones, and video calling apps like House Party taking off in popularity.

Sites like online casinos are also gaining more popularity. Since real-life casinos and bingo halls have closed, people have been trying their luck online- and there’s something great about not having to get dressed up and leave the house to win yourself some money!

Of course, gambling online comes with its risks, and you should always remember to gamble safely. Sites like Online Casinos will find you the best live casinos that will give you the most realistic gambling experience. What’s more, they will only show the top-rated, UK licensed casinos so that your experience will be as safe as possible. For more information on live casinos, .

Discussions On Mental Health

Mental health is becoming a more spoken about topic these days, but thanks to the struggles that most of us faced during the lockdown, the world really began to actively discuss mental health. The more that mental health is talked about, the less stigma there is around it, and the less likely people are to feel alone.

American statistics show that around one in four adults suffers from a diagnosed mental health condition- so while the negative impact COVID has had on people’s mental health isn’t a good thing, we can rejoice in the fact that pandemic has helped many more people to open up about what they’re going through.

Getting Out In Nature

Before lockdown, many people probably won’t even remember the last time they got out in nature. But all that changed when a walk was one of the only things that were allowed during the strictest lockdown restrictions.

Walks are great for not only your physical health but your mental health too. Being out in nature reduces negative feelings such as anger, fear, and stress, causing us to feel better emotionally. What’s more, a walkout in your local area is completely free- and since outdoor exercise is likely your only reason you left your house during the lockdown, you probably ended up saving quite a bit of money.

Out on your walks, you might have found yourself discovering things about your local area that you didn’t know existed, giving you the chance to fall in love with your neighborhood all over again.

Slowing Down

It seems like the older we get, the busier we are. Life is a constant juggle between work, family time, hobbies, socializing with friends, and anything else you might have on your plate.

If you’ve ever felt like life is slipping away from you, and your ‘me time’ and family time are always at the bottom of your priority list, then the change of speed created by lockdown has probably been a welcome change for you.

If you were working for one of the 1.3 million employers who furloughed their staff in light of the pandemic, then you’ve probably had more time on your hands than you can ever remember. Lockdown has given people the perfect opportunity to spend more time with their loved ones, start out a new hobby or just take some much-needed time to relax.

In fact, the slower pace of lockdown has caused many people to evaluate their pre-pandemic routines, and lots of us have made a vow to ourselves to try to stick with a more relaxed daily routine once lockdown has been fully lifted. With not long to go until the world is back to normal, we’ll be taking everything we’ve learned from the pandemic going forward to help us embrace life to the fullest.

Photo by Rachel Claire

About the author

Aubrey Stevens