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Top Tips for Financing an Investment Property

Top Tips for Financing an Investment Property
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Investing money is an oscillating, uncertain process. You have to strategically commit your resources to the process in the hopes of accomplishing your ultimate objective. If you invest too much, the reward may not outweigh the risks. Yet, if you invest too little, your reward is of little worth. Nevertheless, a plethora of people choose to invest money in our economy. Are you one of them?

If you’re considering making real estate a part of your investment portfolio, you’ll find that real estate is a sound investment. Properties are lucrative means to put your money to work for the future that’s yet to come. Though selecting a property to invest in has its own challenges, so does securing a loan to finance the investment. Never fear—money-management tips are here. Read on to check out the top tips for financing an investment property.

Understand Conventional Versus Unconventional Loans

If you’re taking your first steps on the property investment ladder, there are a variety of routes you can take, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages you should be aware of. Traditional banks or financial institutions tend to distribute more long-term conventional loans, while individuals or private lending companies tend to provide more short-term unconventional loans.

Private lending results directly from what conventional financing lacks: greater flexibility, quick financing, and a potentially higher interest rate. Keep in mind that the terminology found within the private lending industry can be complex as well. Private money and hard money are related, but what differentiates private lending services and hard money lending services are underlying assets.

Think Ahead: Ensure You’re a Strong Borrower

Going into the process, you should have a forward way of thinking to best plan for the future. Since investment properties generally pose a higher risk, you want to ensure you’re an attractive borrower. The policies of a lender tend to influence the terms of the loan, but in certain situations, your assets as a borrower are the main deciding factors.

If you’re going through a conventional bank, your credit score has the leading impact on loan terms. While private loans may not consider your credit score as the key factor, you still want to maximize your score and decrease debt before jumping in.

Be Prepared: Apply With More Than One Lender

Proper preparation is one of the comprehensive top tips for financing an investment property. Any lender you apply with will require that you provide proof of your financial situation. Gather and prepare your documentation early on to lessen the stress and worry load. That way, you’re ready to provide the necessary paperwork during the application process with ease.

Being prepared also means being aware that you can comparison shop. If you’re hoping to finance an investment property, you do not have to apply for only one loan and accept whatever terms you are given. Search out unique solutions from lenders—you will likely find differences among interest rates and terms. A lower fee from the start can influence your property’s profitability in the long run. Think creatively and always explore your financing options before investing.

About the author

Stephanie Ross