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How To Make Your Live Streams Stand Out

How To Make Your Live Streams Stand Out

Live streaming might sound like a niche industry to some, but its popularity seems to grow and grow each year. The industry’s popularity remains high because streaming technology is so accessible. People live stream using devices like phones or laptops through platforms including Twitch, YouTube, or Facebook.

Due to how many streamers are out there, standing out takes an extra level of effort. For any passionate content creator out there, or anyone looking to break into the industry, this guide will help you learn how to make your live streams stand out from the rest.

Keep a Consistent Schedule

Audiences generally like content creators who they can rely on to release videos within specific timeframes—live streamers are no exception. This doesn’t mean you have to stream every morning but try to go live on a specific day of the week or at a consistent pace—every two weeks, once a month, and so forth. Keeping streams frequent is good, but creating a consistent schedule is equally, if not more important.

In other words, you should strive to be a reliable source of content. It’s easy for a streamer to decide they’re not in the mood to go live on certain days. However, being flaky with your streaming schedule won’t exactly inspire confidence in viewers. As a result, flaky streaming habits can lead to dwindling view counts.

Be Yourself On Camera

A common issue that hopeful streamers encounter is an inability to sound genuine in front of the camera. Almost all streamers run into this issue early on, so don’t worry—finding a solution is possible. Many viewers will disengage with the content when live streamers come off as too fake or overly nervous.

Luckily, practicing by speaking live on camera can help you find your groove. Speaking to an audience via live stream is always awkward at first. If you put in the time and effort to make the right adjustments to your on-camera personality, creating engaging content will become much easier. Just because you’re not the best streamer on day one doesn’t mean you can’t improve.

Optimize Your Equipment

As mentioned above, from phones to laptops, there’s a diverse array of devices anyone can use to live stream. However, the cheaper your streaming equipment is, the more amateurish your content will appear. When considering how to make your live streams stand out, looking at your camera setup is key.

For instance, don’t use the cheapest camera on the market. There are key factors to look for in live-streaming cameras, all of which will help you stand out as a true professional in the industry—whether your focus is gaming or another topic entirely. Using professional-grade gear (cameras, microphones, lighting equipment, etc.) is key to creating high-quality content worth watching. If your mics are unreliable or your video quality is unwatchable, audiences won’t exactly come flocking to your live streams.

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