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The False Theories Surrounding Autism

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Autism Spectrum Disorder, commonly known as autism is a disease that someone is born with. This disease is a medical condition that alters the way a person thinks, feels, and acts. Since it targets the brain, it can also be called a mental disorder. People with autism have a different perspective on the world and the many different things inside it. The way they think about things and how they experience the world is completely different than a normal person. A person with autism might be strong in the head, meaning they are high-functioning people who are generally smart and don’t struggle that much in life. However, some autistic people behave completely differently than others, which means they will have different strengths and weaknesses. These characteristics make it hard for an autistic individual to express their true feelings in social situations, often resulting in miscommunication and failed relationships.

Autistic people can be passionate about the topics that interest them, but pursuing this passion is made extremely hard since their social skills are not exactly solid. This is a very variable disease, and what that means is that no two people with autism will be alike. The symptoms will vary in each case of autism and that’s why it’s hard for scientists to figure out the cause behind this mental condition. This is the reason why autism is considered a spectrum. While some people might need additional support in the lives they want to lead, others won’t. Autism works in a unique way where the severity of the symptoms changes as the person grows and develops mentally.

The Background Of Autism

When it comes to the history of autism. There isn’t much to know other than the fact that we learned about it too late. The discovery of autism was made in the mid 19th century by two medical professionals by the names of Leo Kanner and Hans Asperger. They discovered that this disorder had been around for ages and could be noticed in the infancy years of a person. The people who previously had autism were just considered “different” than others, but now characterizing them was made easier by figuring out their problems with language, social bonding, and imagination. Every person who suffered from serious deficits when communicating could be diagnosed as autistic, which made life easier for these people as they finally had a sense of belonging. Although autistic people generally don’t link establishing relationships with others, they can get along well with another autistic person, which was also a discovery made by Kanner and Asperger.

While the reason behind autistic people wanting to stay reserved from the outside world hasn’t been found out yet, it’s safe to assume that they have different mental worlds and don’t want anyone to interfere with their perspective. While it was shown that genetic factors did play a prominent role as the cause of autism, there’s no saying it isn’t just another hoax. This is because the disorder’s prevalence keeps on increasing and no one can predict the reason behind this astronomical rise. Scientists tried turning to environmental factors to look for the possible explanations behind autism but even that bore no fruit. Even the many causal agents like medications and viruses that were proposed as the cause for this order were proven to be a hoax. Scientists are still investigating this disorder, and we can only hope they make a breakthrough soon. For families seeking accurate information and support for autism, you can explore ABA therapy patient referral services, which can provide valuable guidance and resources to help navigate the complex landscape of autism care.

The Conspiracy Behind Vaccines Being The Problem

After tons of research on the disease known as Autism. Scientists were finally giving up and that’s when the general population took over. They went on to name tons of causes for autism and one underrated one that scientists are still trying to figure outcomes in the name of Vaccines. Vaccines are substances used to increase the number of antibodies present in a human so they can counter various viruses and diseases. Although they’re not exactly bad, people still thought that they’d make a plausible candidate for the source of the autism epidemic. Since we all know that the debilitating symptoms of autism can be seen easily at an early age, usually after their second birthday. We also know that at this age a kid receives many vaccinations that come as a host for diseases. Diseases like measles, chickenpox, etc can all be achieved from vaccinations so the kid doesn’t have to suffer from them later in their life.

Many parents of autistic kids blamed such vaccines for altering the mental ability of their kids, which to be fair is a good explanation, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only one. Despite these vaccinations containing mercury, a highly dangerous chemical, it’s known to not have any bad effects on the brain, the main culprit of autism. What the general population doesn’t know is that the symptoms of autism are present even when the kid is a few months old. However, these symptoms are only more apparent as the kid grows older. This is why the theory of vaccines being the leading cause for autism being more prevalent nowadays is nothing but a hoax. The Autism Parenting Magazine highlights many theories surrounding autism, while also providing potential treatments for those that are going through life with this disorder.

The Different Types of Autism Spectrum Disorders

To make things worse, Kanner and Asperger found out that Autism disorder wasn’t the only type. There were three more types of autism spectrum disorders found, which are:

Autistic Disorder

What can be known as the classic type of autism disorder, is also the most common disorder in today’s world. 1 in 80 people in the United States is a casualty of this disorder, which was present in them since they were born. People with autistic disorders face tons of new challenges every day. These challenges are caused because of the delay they face when communicating and their unusual interests. People with this disorder also have a higher chance of being disabled intellectually, which is why they will most likely need someone to stick by them throughout the day. 

Asperger Syndrome

While Asperger’s syndrome has symptoms milder than the ones concerning the autistic disorder, it’s still not easy to live with. People with Asperger’s syndrome can have social challenges but they won’t struggle with language or their intellectual ability like someone with autism disorder would.

About the author

Aubrey Stevens