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Factors That Inhibit Weight Loss

weight loss tips

When they’re just getting into fitness and dieting, most people follow the same basics of eating better foods and trying to find exercises conducive to weight loss. However, what novices in fitness don’t think about are the factors that inhibit weight loss and prevent them from getting the best results. Let’s look at a few of those factors so that you know what to look for and can develop the right exercise plan and diet most beneficial to you.

Dietary Factors

Trying to change your eating habits is difficult, and beginners often fall into a few common mistakes that make their diets ineffective. To formulate the diet your body needs, you should consider your age, the target body weight for your size, and even your gender. These are all factors that inhibit weight loss if you don’t account for the variables between you and other people. As you settle into a diet, rather than following it to the letter, you should keep track of your progress and alter the diet as necessary to tailor it to your exact needs.

Exercise Factors

Exercise and diets are complementary; you need to have both if you want to see the best of results. However, you want to make sure you’re picking exercises that are conducive to weight loss. These exercises typically include cardio such as running or swimming as the most efficient way to burn calories, so you should plan accordingly. Not every exercise is equal, and people often think abdominal exercises are the most direct way to target belly fat. Unfortunately, abdominal exercises strengthen your abs but do very little for eliminating the fat in front of it.

Lifestyle Factors

Everyone has differing circumstances in their lives, and that’s nothing to be ashamed of. If you have a medical condition or you’re unable to access certain aspects of fitness and diets, don’t give up! There’s always a way to lose weight, no matter your circumstances. Just make sure you’re improving other aspects of your lifestyle, such as sleep. Getting a good night’s rest can prevent weight gain by giving your body the energy it needs. Other changes include cutting alcohol out of your diet and making sure you’re not eating too much or too little. Many people think weight loss will come if they simply don’t eat much, but their bodies will instead begin storing fat if they think they’re starving.

Feature photo by nappy

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