Style & Fashion

Things To Know Before You Start Quilting

Things To Know Before You Start Quilting
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When you’re going to take up a new hobby such as quilting, it can be extremely exciting while also being a bit intimidating. You might have questions on what materials and tools you’ll need, what kind of quilt to start with, or just how to make a quilt. We have a few pieces of information that may help begin. Learn some things to know before you start quilting by reading below.

Know How To Select the Best Fabrics

There are many types of fabric on the market, making it difficult to know where to begin. It will help significantly to learn how to select the right fabrics. It’s mostly dependent on the material it consists of. The best option is 100% cotton fabric. You’ll also want to consider color selection; picking fabrics based on color is something you should also familiarize yourself with. Since quilting is very reliant on patterns and color schemes, it’s best to choose colors that are part of the same color family. Also, make sure to check that your fabrics are the same size, so your quilt comes out looking neat. Learning the basic anatomy of a quilt can help you further in choosing fabric since it’ll show you the different details to keep in mind.

Form a Relationship With a Nearby Quilting Shop

You can never go wrong with forming a good relationship with a local or nearby quilting shop—especially as a beginner. When you’re new to the craft, you’re going to have a variety of questions. These might cover what types of supplies you’ll need, what methods you should use for certain projects or overall general questions on the subject. Shop employees will be quick to assist you in finding what you need and will be happy to answer the questions you have.

Familiarize Yourself With the Pressing Station

It’s best to practice and really become used to working with the different tools and machinery that will help you on your quilting projects. The sewing machine will be a major one, but the other thing you shouldn’t forget about is the pressing station. To get your fabric flat and pressed, you’ll need your iron and pressing surface often. As you create a block for your quilt, you’ll need to press it each time, so it’s a good habit to form.

Research for Some Inspiration

This is one of the key things to know before you start quilting. Gathering inspiration is what will make you eager and excited to get started. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to have a bit of a plan for what you want to create. You can start getting some fun ideas by jotting down ideas you find from magazines, artistic images, and any other places that inspire you. Journal these ideas down, add them to a scrapbook and create mood boards so you’ll have them saved for future projects.

About the author

Stephanie Ross