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9 Unique Ways to Continue to Learn (Even While in School)

extended learning

No matter how old you get or where you are in your life, there are plenty of reasons to keep on learning. It keeps your mind sharp and healthy, opens doors, and ultimately leads you to success. Ready to get your gears turning? Good!

We just so happen to have a list of 9 ways to continue learning every day, even if you’re working a full-time job, still going to school, or anywhere in between.

1. Listen to Podcasts

Podcasts have taken the world by storm and there is no shortage of topics out there covered in audio form.

Turn a podcast on during your commute, while you’re cooking or cleaning, or exercise to one. They are done in such an easy to digest format that you can take in the information no matter what you’re doing.

There are podcasts out there to teach you about traditional school subjects, social media, culture, and just about anything else you can imagine.

2. Watch Documentaries

If you’re a movie lover, try squeezing in some learning while you’re sitting on the couch!

Documentaries pack a bunch of information on a variety of subjects into the length of a single film. It’s easy and usually pretty fun to sit down with some popcorn and let yourself be taken away into a world of knowledge.

3. Take an Online Class

Online classes are absolutely everywhere and cover absolutely everything.

If there’s something you’ve been dying to learn, a quick internet search will probably bring up more than one class on it. There are free classes, college-level classes, and classes that only take an hour to do.

Since online classes are so flexible, you can take one even while you’re already in school without missing out!

4. Read Plenty of Books

Reading is always one of the best ways to learn. There are so many books out there, it’s impossible to read them all. But can certainly put a dent in them.

Make a list of the books you want to read and then just start reading. It doesn’t matter how much you read every day, even if it’s just a few pages, as long as you’re reading.

It’s even possible to take in a book on the go since nearly every book comes in audiobook form these days.

5. Install Some Apps

You probably spend hours a day on your phone, so you may as well use it to keep on learning.

Look for apps that offer some educational value to your life and take the time to use them. Some apps make it easier for you to start learning a new language, others give you a new word to add to your vocabulary every day.

No matter what interests you, there’s undoubtedly a version of it in an app just waiting for you to download and get to learning.

6. Look it up on YouTube

YouTube is a treasure trove of education at the tips of your fingers and for absolutely no cost.

The millions upon millions of videos on YouTube vary from incredibly pointless to absolutely awe-inspiring. And you can bet your bottom dollar there is plenty for you to learn about among them.

Go ahead and subscribe to some educational YouTube channels so you can learn on the fly any chance you get.

7. Attend a Lecture

Some of the world’s most brilliant minds try to give back by sharing what they know with others.

That includes you.

Lectures by amazing guest speakers are regularly scheduled on college campuses and other venues. Check for these kinds of events whenever possible so you don’t miss out on a potentially life-changing experience.

8. Take up a New Hobby

Learning how to do something new is just as important as learning a new subject.

If there’s something you’ve always wanted to know how to do, or you’re just interested in expanding your horizons, there’s no reason you shouldn’t give it a try. 

Take that cooking class. Watch videos that teach you how to use a sewing machine. Buy a model car set. Tackle that 5,000 piece jigsaw puzzle. 

The only way to know if you’ll love it is to do it!

9. Talk to Someone Informed

You can learn a lot from a simple conversation, especially if the person you’re talking to knows more than you.

Don’t be afraid to talk to smart people. Reach out to someone higher up in your job field or a professor that teaches your subject of interest. Sit down and have a chat with them.

You’ll be surprised how much you come away with by simply talking.

In Conclusion

Knowledge is power and you never stop taking it in as long as you live.

When you keep on learning, you stay at the top of you game. So never sate your curiosity, never get bored with life, and never stop actively trying to learn new things.

Feature photo by Artem Podrez

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