Health & Fitness

6 Home Remedies to Help You Deal With Halitosis

how to get rid of halitosis
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Being told that you have bad breath is one of the most embarrassing things that can ever happen to you. Furthermore, even if someone is polite and doesn’t say that you have bad breath, they probably wouldn’t want to talk to you. 

Bad breath can cause many problems, and in some cases, it might not even go away. Halitosis or chronic bad breath is a condition in which your breath constantly smells bad, even if you use mints, floss, and brush your teeth regularly. 

Halitosis or chronic bad breath can have different causes; it can be caused because of dental issues, throat infections, smoking, dry mouth, and other chronic conditions like gastric reflux or diabetes. Though identifying the cause of your chronic bad breath might be difficult, and it may take time to fix, there are some simple home remedies that can help you keep your breath fresh. Here are some that you should try out if you are having trouble dealing with halitosis. And if you are looking for professional help, schedule an appointment at

Rinse Your Mouth with Some Saltwater

Let’s start with something simple and effective. Rinsing your mouth with some saltwater is an incredible and natural way to freshen your breath instantly. All you have to do is simply take a glass of warm water and add some salt to it. About a couple of tablespoons is enough. 

Mix the water and salt, then swish the solution in your mouth for about half a minute. Just like that, you can say goodby to bad breath. Saltwater doesn’t damage your teeth in any way, so you can do this after every meal to make sure that your mouth always smells good.

Use Cloves

If you are looking for natural ways to freshen up your breath and improve your oral health, cloves are one of your best friends. Cloves make your breath smell better instantly, and they also have the added benefit of fighting cavity-causing bacteria. 

You can simply chew on cloves as you go about your day; however, you should avoid using clove oil, or powdered cloves, as they can be too intense and even damage your gums. 

Sometimes, your breath can smell bad because of inflammation in your gums. This also leads to severe toothaches and other dental problems. However, cloves can help you deal with toothaches as well. 

Cloves have an active ingredient known as Eugenol. Eugenol acts as a natural anesthetic, and it can numb or at least reduce your toothache naturally. Furthermore, Eugenol also has anti-inflammatory properties, and it can reduce swelling and irritation naturally, making your breath smell better as well. 

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a lot of advantages, and it can also be used to get rid of difficult odors from your mouth. Whether you have eaten something with onions or garlic, or you have a more serious condition that may cause halitosis, apple cider vinegar is an excellent halitosis remedy.

All you have to do is add some apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and mix it. One tablespoon should be enough, but you can add two at most. Any more than that can be dangerous for your teeth because of the acidity of the vinegar. 

Swish the vinegar and water solution in your mouth, and then rinse. This natural and homemade mouthwash can work perfectly to neutralize and negative orders and freshen your breath. 

Drinking apple cider vinegar after mixing it with water can also have several benefits, and it can help in the treatment of most digestive issues, which can also be the cause of halitosis. 

Eat Some Healthy Fruits and Vegetables

Where foods with intense smell and flavors like onions and garlic can make your breath smell bad, other lighter foods can have the opposite effect. Sometimes, the best natural solution to bad breath is to have a healthy and crunchy snack, like an apple or maybe a carrot. 

These vegetables work to improve your breath in multiple ways; firstly, they can act as a natural toothbrush and remove bacteria that are causing odor from your teeth. Secondly, these vegetables and fruits have water in them, and they promote the productions of saliva as well, which can help you get rid of bad breath that may be caused because of a dry mouth or dehydration. 

Therefore, if you feel like you have bad breath during the day, have a healthy fruit snack. 

Make Your Own Alcohol-Free Mouthwash at Home

One of the most common ways people use to keep their breath fresh is using mouthwash. Though this can be effective for a while, most over-the-counter mouthwashes have alcohol in them, which can make your mouth dry. 

Bacteria can develop more quickly when your mouth is dry, and they can be a cause of severe bad breath. However, here is a quick recipe for a homemade mouthwash that you can make from simple ingredients that you probably already have in your kitchen. 

Here is the recipe:


Warm water (1 cup)

Cinnamon (1 tbsp)

Baking Soda (1/2 tsp)

Lemon juice (2 lemons)

Honey (1 1/2 tsp)


Mix all the ingredients together and add the mixture to a container. It will stay good for up to two weeks. 

You can use this mouthwash like any other you get from the store, and it can give you fresh and fragrant breath naturally without drying out your mouth. 

Try TeaTree Oil

Another excellent remedy to counter halitosis is using tea tree oil. It has the ability to fight against oral bacteria and microbes that can cause bad odors and other tooth and gum related problems. There are many ways to use this oil. You can add it to your toothpaste for a mild effect, and you can simply brush your teeth with the oil on its own. 

You can also add some turmeric to the oil to make an excellent teeth-whitening and order-busting remedy. Turmeric is an incredible natural spice, and it can have a lot of benefits for your oral health. According to a study from 2012, curcumin, which is an element found in turmeric, can help in the prevention of gingivitis. Turmeric also helps in the removal of bacteria, and it reduces inflammation, both of which can be helpful when dealing with halitosis.

About the author

Athena Spencer