Life's Evolution

6 Ways to Get Through the Day When You Are Feeling Depressed

tips for dealing with depression
Cash for your car

With all the research conducted on depression and other mental health conditions, doctors have now started recommending different products such as weed, CBD, and different edibles beneficial for pain management.

However, not many know the basic things about depression, which is why I have collected six ways to get through the day when you are feeling depressed and share it with others if it helps.

tips for dealing with depression

Start With Small Steps

One of the biggest mistakes one can make when they are suffering from a mental health condition such as depression is the fact that they think they need to do big things such as getting over what they are feeling or going against themselves and out of their comfort zone to make others happy which is wrong. 

When you are feeling depressed, you can do the smallest things to get through the day, which will be okay. Try to get out of your bed and make yourself a nice breakfast, and once you are done and don’t feel like doing anything productive, you can come back to bed and watch some Netflix with popcorn or maybe catch on your sleep.

Try to practice mindfulness, grab your drink, and wrap yourself in your favorite hoodie and sit outside on the balcony so that you feel refreshed. Just remember that you need to help yourself, and for that, you must do everything needed to make yourself comfortable and never forget that there is no wrong in taking small steps as those will lead to something bigger and better. 

Always Be Kind to Yourself

When one suffers from physical difficulty in their lives, it is easy to know that this injury will get better. Still, when we look at our mental health issues, we tend to assume that we should not be feeling depressed without checking out medications or giving ourselves the time to see what is wrong and why we are feeling this way.

tips for dealing with depression

Try always to let yourself explore the possibility of feeling the way you are feeling. Do the little things that make you happy, try to sleep on time, make sure that you exercise and consume healthy foods, and always remember that you are wanted, needed, and loved by all the people who surround you. By being kind to yourself, you will be kind to the people around you needed with whatever has been going around the world nowadays. 

Keep Telling Yourself That You are Enough

When an individual feels depressed, their strengths can become a weakness that makes them feel worse than they were already feeling, so it is necessary to keep telling yourself that you are enough, always remember that it is okay not to believe it. 

Please take a few minutes out of your day, sit in front of the mirror, and keep repeating to yourself that it is okay, I am enough and fabulous. Keep repeating until it makes you smile. This will take your mind off things, but by repeating the same thing again and again, a part of you will start believing it, and that is where getting through the day will become easier than before. 

The only way to change negative things about yourself is by replacing them with positive ones. By telling yourself wonderful things and saying those out loud to yourself can make the difference you may be looking for throughout your entire life. 

Talk to Old Friends or Family

Old friends and family are the people that know us and have seen us in the worst and the best times; thus, there is nothing that cannot be shared with them. When you feel depressed, and it seems impossible to get through the day, remind yourself again that it would not harm if you talk to your sister, mother, or an old friend.

tips for dealing with depression

You can do a video call or a normal call, lie down in your bed with some snacks, and talk your heart out. When one feels depressed, there can be many things in one’s mind. Suppose those things are bottled up and not taken out at the right time. In that case, that can be a huge problem, which is why when you are talking to family or old friends, make sure to take everything out so that it becomes easier for you as you will feel less frustrated and exhausted after sharing whatever that has been bothering you.

Do Something Fun

Upon feeling depressed, rather than isolating yourself in a room, you can always do something different. You can make a rule to do something fun when you are feeling depressed. You can paint a picture, you can wear that bomb dress that has been lying in your cupboard for a long time and go to the bar with a couple of friends, or you can spend a day at the beach. 

Doing something fun will help you distract from whatever feelings of depression you have been facing; it will improve your mood and help you get the motivation to be productive throughout the rest of the day. 

Try to Relax

When you get through the day, and it has been a tough one, make sure to give yourself some space to relax. Take out thirty to forty minutes before you go to bed and try to relax. Now relaxing can have a different definition in your terms from mine, which is why you can pour yourself a glass of your favorite drink and enjoy it by your window. At the same time, you look down at the moving cars, or you can cuddle up in your bed and finish that episode of your favorite season.  

Make sure no one disturbs you during this time, and I promise you if you make this a ritual at the end of each day, you will come out to be much stronger, refreshed, and less exhausted, ready to take on whatever the next day brings to you.

To sum it all, if anyone around you suffers from depression, then make sure to help them by making things easier for them, by being kind to them, and for always listening to whatever they have to say as you never know you can be the reason for them returning to every day happy and healthy life.

About the author

Athena Spencer