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Workplace Wellness — Many Americans Are Happy With Their Jobs, But Issues Still Linger In LA’s Garment Industry

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85% of American workers reported being either somewhat or very satisfied with their job, according to one national survey. While attention to employee wellness — and consequential happiness — can bring significant benefits to both workers and the company as a whole, it’s no wonder that many are prioritizing workplace wellness across the country. However, this isn’t true everywhere, particularly when it comes to LA’s garment labor industry.

The Benefits of Happy, Healthy Employees

When it comes to health and wellness in the workplace, keeping employees happy and healthy is essential in terms of a business’ success, as healthy employees tend to be happier. Happy, healthy employees tend to be more satisfied with their jobs, and contribute to a positive workforce, due to the fact that they are more likely to actually want to be at work. This can mean anything from contributing to an overall more positive work environment and better employee morale to fostering an environment that’s ideal for innovation and collaboration in the workplace. For employers, this can allow for higher levels of productivity — not to mention a great reputation among future potential employees. It’s likely due to the benefits that a healthy and happy employee can bring that many across the country are choosing to enforce healthy habits, with an impressive 70% of employers improving their physical environments to encourage healthy habits among employees.

Unpaid Wages in LA

While many people are happy with their jobs and many employers work hard to keep it that way, things aren’t the same for some — specifically when it comes to LA’s cut-and-sew garment labor economy. Employing more than 45,000 workers — many who are undocumented immigrants — workers in the industry are often dealing with wage theft, along with unideal health and safety conditions. For those working in such an environment, worker’s wellness tends to take a backseat. For this reason, many people choose to contact an unpaid wages lawyer, who assists employees in getting the wages they’ve worked for while bringing the issue to light. Additionally, a worker’s rights group by the name of Garment Worker Center (GWC) works to fight for justice and bring attention to such issues in the garment industry.

While there are many throughout the nation who are happy with their work, it’s important to realize that many are dealing with several complex issues. The garment industry in Los Angeles is one prime example of this, and this proves that the need for change is still important.

Feature photo by Andrea Piacquadio

About the author

Athena Spencer