Health & Fitness

CBD Oil For Humans: The Must-Read Details

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Did you know that in the late 1800s and early 1900s, CBD was the center of many pain relief & other medicines? The craze is still present in the 21st century & the CBD products are trending hot in the market. In 2017, the product containing this drug or its derivatives were present in many dispensaries, bakery products, beauty salons, nail salons, and at shops in the form of edible flowers. 

Until, 2018, there were about 600 million products available in the market with 107% more annual growth. Now you can buy CBD oil online & similarly many other products are available at many online stores. But have you ever thought about what is behind the immense popularity of CBD? This is something we have looked in to, keep on reading to find out…

What is CBD?

CBD is termed as cannabinoids and found in Cannabis plants. Until now many researchers have used this plant to find out the different therapeutic uses of this oil. Basically, Cannabis oil contains concentrated CBD which is helpful to cure pain and other symptoms.

It creates changes in the body according to the concentration of CBD used in the oil. Furthermore, it is not psychoactive which means that it does not change the state of mind when consumed however some significant changes may be noted if used to cure pain.

How Does it Work?

It affects the body by influencing the different receptors. Our body also produces some cannabinoids and their present CBD1 and CBD2 receptors within the body. The CBD1 receptors are present throughout the body mainly in the brain and are responsible for memory, mood, appetite, pain, and other functions.

Whereas CBD2 receptors are many present in the immune system and affect pain and inflammation. It is not directly attached to any receptor but directs many.

What Are the Benefits of CBD Oil?

It has been used widely to cure many diseases and also have proved effectiveness interesting to rare drug-resistant childhood epilepsy. Moreover it brings some incredible benefits stated below.

Pain Relief

It is the best option to treat many kinds of chronic pain. Studies have found that applying CBD oil directly on the pain area can help to reduce pain and inflammation. It works on impacting the area by activating the receptors and interacting with neurotransmitters. 

Research suggests that pain cells do not build up torrents against CBD so there is no need to increase the dose continuously. It is supplied by a spray called Sativex orally.

Anxiety and Depression


Clinical study suggested that this drug is very attractive and reduces various forms of anxiety especially post-traumatic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Patients feel better after a few days because it influences the receptors which involve modulation of serotonin.

Some studies suggest that it helps to stop depression and psychotic disorders like schizophrenia.

Other benefits include helps in reducing blood pressure, blood cholesterol & sugar level, reducing gout symptoms & uric acid levels. It also helps people to quit smoking.

About the author

Aubrey Stevens