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How to Improve Your Digestion Naturally

Improve digestion naturally
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Your gut is ‘the second brain’ of the body – as scientists have started calling it. Really, you’re only as healthy as your digestive system. People are realizing that more than half of health problems are due to some underlying issue in the digestive tract. Bloating, gas, constipation, weird food cravings, brain fog, lethargy – are all signs of unhealthy gut.

heal unhealthy gut

If you can improve your digestion, you’ll be amazed at the dramatic improvement in your health. Even if you don’t experience any of these typical symptoms but suffer from some other chronic illness or dysfunction; chances are some kind of breakdown in the digestive system is triggering your condition.

Below are some ways in which you can dramatically improve your gut health au naturale!

  1. Get Plenty of Fiber

Fibre, we all know, is essential for uninterrupted movement of food through the digestive tract; particularly small and large intestine. If you have runny or too hard of a stool – it’s a sign you’re not getting adequate fibre.

Soluble fibre absorbs the water and adds weight to the stool which you can compare to a large toothbrush that keeps the food moving uninterrupted.

High fibre diet is said to improve the gut flora as it feeds the enzymes that break down the food. It’s also linked with reduced inflammation of the bowel. 

2. Improve Gut Enzymes With Probiotics

Your gut houses trillions of bacteria and enzymes that break down the food. When this gut flora is disturbed, that’s when most people complain of acid or digestive issues. Functional medicine, in fact, touts gut as the ‘epicentre of health’. That is why it’s essential to nourish gut health by replenishing the good bacteria that live there.

You can do so by consuming supplements as well as prebiotic and probiotic foods. Probiotics are fermented foods rich in living bacteria that your gut needs.

Kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, yoghurt, miso, kombucha, and pickled vegetables are all examples of fermented foods. You can also consume prebiotics (these are the foods that feed the bacteria). Onion, garlic, asparagus, artichoke, leeks, are all examples of prebiotic foods that nourish the gut flora.

3. Drink Enough Water

Hydration is vital if you struggle with the constitution, which is quite a common health issue in present times. Experts suggest drinking around 60 ounces of water every day to avoid constipation. Make sure the liquid intake is unsweetened and non-caffeinated. You may have to increase or decrease this amount if you live in hot or cold areas.

You can also meet your daily fluid requirement by consuming fruits and vegetables as they are naturally high in water constant. Zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, melons, celery, berries, and peaches are also excellent choices in this category.

4. Identify and Remove Trigger Foods

Many people have a lot of food sensitivities that trigger issues like gas and bloating; they just don’t know it. The most common irritants of the stomach lining that trigger sensitivities are most protein foods like soy, eggs, gluten, and dairy.

Nightshade vegetables, grains, and some beans may also be causing allergies and sensitivities. You can experiment with the ‘elimination diet’ wherein you give these foods up for two weeks and re-introduce them one by one each week and observe how your body responds to them.

Common symptoms of food sensitivities are – gas, bloating, nausea, heartburn, loose stool, skin irritation, acne, hives, brain fog, and energy crash.

Diet soda and artificial sweetener are another popular culprits behind digestive issues. Try quitting them or at least limiting their intake.

5. Boost Stomach Acid

Many people experience acid reflux or heartburn and think they have too high acid content in the stomach. In reality, these problems are also caused by too little stomach acid. Are you surprised? Most people are when they learn this fact.

The problem exacerbates when they take antacids which reduces the acid even more. The adequate level of stomach acid is essential for proper breakdown of certain proteins and for also destroying illness-causing pathogens. You can boost stomach acid by adding lemon juice to your water. Alternatively, you can add a little bit of raw apple cider vinegar in the water and drink it on an empty stomach.

6. Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet

Most people learn to despise fat due to misinformation. But, you need an adequate amount of healthy fat to hit that satiety level and also for proper nutrition absorption because some nutrients are fat-soluble.

healthy fats

Many studies have shown omega-3 fatty acids to reduce the risk of heart issues as well as several inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis.

Flaxseeds, nuts, chia seeds, and certain fishes like sardines, salmon, mackerel are all rich in omega-3. But, make sure you’re not allergic or sensitive to these foods.

7. Consume Healing Foods That are Prepared to Boost Digestion

Not many people know this, but certain preparation methods turn regular foods into healing foods. For example, GAPS diet focuses heavily on food preparation/cooking methods that boost digestion. If you feel bloated after consuming certain salads or nuts, you might want to try one of these protocols.

Some of the foods that nourish the gut lining and boosts digestion are:

  • Slow-cooked proteins foods
  • Bone broth
  • Stews 
  • Vegetable soups 
  • Sprouted and soaked seeds and nuts
  • Slowly and properly cooked vegetable

In Conclusion

If you suffer from chronic digestive issues like IBS, ulcerative colitis, or Crohn’s disease that doesn’t go away despite all your efforts- it’s best you talk to a physician.

About the author

Gianna Brighton