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5 LA Home Design Trends You Need in Your Home

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Cash for your car

Los Angeles is one of the trendiest cities in the world. The wealthiest and most famous individuals reside here so it’s not surprising to find plenty of homes furnished with the latest decor and styles that eventually the rest of the world will follow.

If you don’t want to get left behind, here are some home design trends you should consider implementing in your home. Don’t worry. We’re not going to fixate on a specific style or theme. Instead, we’ll discuss select elements that you can apply independently so you’re still able to inject some of your own personal style into your home decor.

  1. Curvy Decor

Curvy decor was big last year and it’s here to stay so expect to see more curvy elements beyond the usual round ottoman or couch. This is most likely because people are tired of boxy furniture and are making a shift towards dynamic furniture that gives a room more visual interest. There are plenty of ways to go about this trend whether it’s getting a curved sofa, wardrobe, coffee table, or rug.

curvy furniture home decor

Photo by ErikaWittlieb

  1. Sustainable Materials

Conscious LA residents are the first to jump on the sustainability trend and this is apparent in the choices they make with regards to their furniture home decor. Instead of the usual synthetic materials, homeowners are opting for more natural and eco-friendly textures. You will see LA homes furnished with items like woven wall hangings, rattan storage baskets, and indoor plants.

But if you’re looking to really make a big impact, you’ll want to opt for big-ticket items like your couch or bedding. It can be the eco-friendly materials in your mattress or the sustainably sourced wood of your couch frame.

sustainable materials home decor

Photo by Kaboompics

  1. Maximalism

Minimalism made waves in the last decade but this new one, we’re embracing maximalism more. It seems to go against the sustainable living trend but here’s the thing: maximalism encourages you to buy pre-owned items instead of brand new ones. Nothing says personal style better than vintage, secondhand furniture. Think eclectic, bold colors, and rich patterns.

There are plenty of marketplaces to look into like garage sales, estate sales, flea markets, and even the internet. The best part is that you get a unique item for a very cheap price. This trend allows you to express your personal style without compromising the environment.

  1. Functional Living

Real estate is expensive in big cities which would explain the trend of smaller and functional living. Gone are the days when you could breezily walk in your apartment and lavish in all the spaciousness. These days, you have to think twice about the furniture you use and the items you own as there is not much space to go around. You may not be living in an extremely small space such as a tiny house but it still makes sense to decorate your home so it works for your lifestyle. We’re talking efficient room layouts, multi-purpose furniture, and smart storage space.

  1. Murals

Another LA home design trend that allows you to express your unique taste is murals. It’s like a giant artwork instead it’s all over your walls. We’re seeing a lot of these in Los Angeles homes and the great news is that you too can implement this on your own.

Instead of the usual one-tone paint color, you can get creative with a mural, particularly positive murals in warm and bright colors. This gives a space a more rich feel and makes for a great conversation piece with guests. You can purchase a ready-made online. There’s plenty of designs to choose from. Or, if you want a customized design, you can hire a mural painter that you can pay by the hour or by the square foot.

Which of these interior design trends are you most excited to try?

Feature Photo by Engin Akyurt

About the author

Gianna Brighton