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The Essential Functions of Testosterone in the Male Body

Essential Functions of Testosterone in the Male Body

Many see testosterone as simply what makes men, men; but it’s much more than that. Testosterone plays a very crucial role in the male body’s development, which is why the production of testosterone skyrockets during adolescence and remains high throughout your 20s. It is primarily produced by the testicles in men throughout one’s lifetime, though levels start to decline once you hit 30. By this time, men’s health can suffer as levels of this critical hormone start to fall. Let’s take a look at some of the essential functions that testosterone serves in the male body.

It Helps You Stay Strong

We typically notice the formation of facial hair and the deepening voice of developing young men. However, the testosterone flooding into their systems is having a greater impact on the rest of their body.

One of the things affected is the growth of their muscles. This is why bodybuilders may take additional testosterone. This is also why declining testosterone levels in men cause loss of muscle tone, slower metabolism, and packing on the fat. This can cause a vicious downward spiral because the increased fat can convert some of the testosterone your body produces into estrogen.

On the other hand, strength training itself could be a great way to reduce the decline of testosterone as men age. Also, testosterone declining with age partly has to do with men starting to neglect physical activity. This is why it’s essential for men over the age of 30 to preserve their muscle mass through a combination of strength training and proper nutrition.

It Gives You Stronger Bones, Too

Testosterone does not just give you more muscle; it gives you stronger bones as well. This is because testosterone affects the density of your bones and their ability to deal with impacts. This is also why falling testosterone levels increase a man’s risk of osteoporosis.

However, it isn’t known if testosterone can reduce the risk of bone fractures. You should also note that you still need to follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen. For example, testosterone won’t make up for a lack of calcium or vitamin D in your diet.

However, testosterone treatment has been shown to help reverse the effects of aging on bone density, but only when given in high enough doses. Clinical trials found that testosterone treatment was able to increase bone density in the hip bone and spinal area of participants. It also helped increase bone density in a group of transition females. In short, if you want to keep your bones strong and healthy as you age, watch your testosterone levels.

It Improves Your Mood

One of the interesting things about testosterone is its effect on your mood. Lower testosterone levels are correlated with an increased rate of depression and research suggests testosterone replacement therapy may be a practical treatment for it. 

On the other hand, increased testosterone levels are associated with a greater sense of energy. You’re less likely to feel tired, something that can contribute to feeling depressed. The problem is more severe for men who have hypogonadism, where their hormone levels fall faster than normal.

Remember that your diet and lifestyle can contribute to low testosterone levels and a generally bad mood. So, make sure you get enough sleep, but if you have sleep apnea, know that testosterone therapy may make it worse.

Another thing you could consider is looking at testosterone supplements. You could benefit from a natural testosterone booster like TestoGen, for instance. It is made using natural ingredients and has tons of essential vitamins and minerals that have been shown to increase testosterone in men like magnesium, zinc, boron, and vitamin B6 just to name a few. Not only that, but it has absolutely no side effects, unlike many other options. For example, while testosterone therapy may give you a sense of energy and reduce irritability, it may cause mood swings, which will make things only worse.

It Protects Your Brain

Testosterone can also protect your brain in several ways. As a matter of fact, those with a lower testosterone level are at an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Higher levels of this hormone are correlated with better verbal memory, improved special memory, and faster mental processing. This was found in studies of men between 34 and 70.

Testosterone protects your brain indirectly as well. For example, it helps red blood cell production in the bone marrow and keeps your heart strong. As testosterone levels fall, your risk of cardiovascular problems increase.

Sex Drive

Testosterone is also responsible for fueling sex drive and libido in men. This is why men tend to be a lot more sexually active in their 20s than later on in life. Low testosterone in men has been linked with erectile dysfunction and loss of sexual desire. However, it’s important to note that erectile dysfunction can often be caused by psychological factors that have absolutely nothing to do with testosterone levels. This is why you should consult with a professional first before you jump to conclusions and reach for treatment.

While it has been shown that testosterone replacement therapy could help men recover some of their sexual performance, all men do not get the same results. Men who are not suffering from hypogonadism, for instance, don’t show the same level of improvement when being treated.

The Risk of Testosterone Therapy

Speaking of which, it’s very important that you know the risks of testosterone therapy before you make the jump. Testosterone therapy can be provided in a variety of forms; you might find it in the form of skin patches, gels, or injections. 

These methods themselves have been associated with side effects. For instance, intramuscular injections have been shown to exacerbate mood swings in certain patients, while patches have been associated with skin issues.

Some of the side effects of testosterone therapy in generally increased urination, fluid retention, acne, and increased aggressivity. Interestingly enough, it can also cause effects associated with low testosterone, such as an increase in breast tissue, decreased testicular size, and decreased sperm count.

You should also know that testosterone therapy should be avoided by people suffering from prostate or breast cancer. Also, it might interfere with sleep patterns for some people.

How to Prevent Testosterone Levels from Dropping as We Age

One thing you should know, however, is that the drop in testosterone levels are not set in stone, and some men have not only been able to retain their testosterone as they age but read levels much higher than people several years younger than them.

As a matter of fact, one group of Australian scientists found that age could not be the actual reason behind dropping testosterone levels in aging men. They found that age had little to no effect on the testosterone levels of very healthy men. This led them to conclude that other diseases associated with older age, like obesity and cardiovascular disease were the cause.

Are There Ways Aging Men Can Avoid Replacement Therapy?

Yes, there are. There are plenty of ways aging men can stop or at least decrease the level of decline as they age. One of the ways is to incorporate a steady strength training routine into their exercise regimen. If they don’t have one yet, they need to get on one immediately.

Research suggests that compound exercises are a great way to increase and maintain your testosterone levels. Compound exercises are exercises that target a large number of muscles. Squats are a prime example of a compound exercise. However, as you age, you might have to find variations of these exercises that will be easier on your joints. For example, deadlifts should be out of the questions if you have lower back issues. Instead, you could look at variations like the mid-shin rack pull. You also have to be careful not to go too heavy too soon, but it’s important that you challenge yourself.

In addition to exercise, you must take a look at your life habits. It becomes more and more important for aging men to get the sleep that they need. Not only does it affect testosterone levels, but human growth hormone levels as well. These also help with mental faculties, muscle mass, and bone density. 

You should also look at the foods that you put in your body. For instance, alcohol should be out of the question for any man over the age of 30 who is concerned about their testosterone levels. We know this may sound harsh, but any type of alcohol consumption at this stage will have repercussions. Having a balanced diet is also more essential than ever, so, if you can get all the nutrients you need from your regular diet, you might have to look at natural supplementation.

Testosterone levels naturally fall around 1% a year as men age, though medical issues can cause it to decrease as well. However, there are many ways men can mitigate the rate at which this slows down through adjusting their habits, diets, and activity levels.

Feature Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

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