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Sleep Tight! How to Sleep Better at Night in 9 Simple Steps

good night sleep

From having a consistent routine to wearing the right PJs, there are tons of ways that you can get better rest. Read on to learn how to sleep better at night!

Did you know that 48% of adults admit that they aren’t getting the right amount of sleep each night? The National Sleep Foundation recommends anywhere between seven and nine hours of sleep per night for adults.

Being one of those people who can’t seem to get good sleep at night is stressful. You might have tried tons of different remedies to help yourself fall asleep faster or even stay asleep with no help.

They all still leave you wondering how to sleep better at night?

Well, we’ve put together the ultimate guide to help walk you through some great steps on how you can get more sleep every night.

Keep reading for nine of the best tips on how you can start getting better sleep at night.

  1. Stay on a Consistent Schedule

When learning how to sleep better you need to start by creating a consistent sleep schedule for yourself. Going to sleep at the same time every night can benefit your body above and beyond.

You can blame this all on your body’s sleep-wake cycle which is also known as your circadian rhythm. This is the reason why our bodies will start to get tired at night and help us drift off to sleep.

If you continue to fall asleep at the same time every single night, then your body will start to adjust to falling asleep at that time.

  1. Don’t Sleep in Even on Weekends

Going along with your body’s sleep-wake cycle you need to also make sure that you’re waking up at the same time every single day. Sleeping in on the weekends won’t help to regulate your sleep-wake cycle!

Make sure to be consistent when waking up at the same time throughout the week no matter which day it is to help regulate your body. Waking up at the same time every day will help to reinforce your body’s sleep-wake cycle which is exactly what you want.

Over time, your body will naturally start to feel sleepy at your regular bedtime, and then you might even start noticing yourself waking up at the same time without an alarm set.

  1. Do Something Relaxing

To help yourself stay on a good and consistent sleep schedule when learning the best ways to sleep better you need to make sure that you can fall asleep around the same time each night. Sometimes this can be hard especially when you’re first starting to regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

If you can’t fall asleep within the first twenty minutes that you’re in your bed, then leave your room and do something relaxing. Figuring out how to relax before bed is different for everyone.

Some people like to read their favorite book, listen to music, or take a hot bath. You can meditate and practice mindfulness as well. It is especially important to avoid looking at any bright lights or screens during this time as that can mess with your cycle.

  1. Take Your Vitamins

Your body will start to naturally create melatonin better when you improve your sleep-wake cycle. Yet, if you’re looking for ways on how to improve your sleep quickly, then you might want to start taking your vitamins right away.

There are many different ways that you can take melatonin to help you sleep better at night, but SugarBear sleep vitamins are one of the best. They taste delicious and are packed with other necessary vitamins and botanicals that will also help calm and soothe your body to sleep. This way you will be getting great sleep every night.

Adding melatonin to your nighttime routine will help your body naturally want to fall asleep. You also won’t get that drowsy feeling when you wake up in the morning that other types of sleep medicines can give you.

  1. Avoid Napping Throughout the Day

Taking a nap during the day can also affect the way that you sleep during the night. When you take a nap during the day it can completely throw off your sleep-wake cycle and keep you up for a few extra hours at night.

If you do feel like you need to catch up on some sleep or you are feeling a bit sluggish during the day, then you can limit your nap to a quick 20-minute power nap. Taking a power nap can help to get you through the rest of the day and it won’t affect your sleep as much when it comes time to fall asleep.

One other thing that you need to remember if you feel that you need to take a nap during the day is you should try doing so earlier. Taking a nap too late in the day can affect your ability to fall asleep at night time.

  1. Include Exercise in Your Daily Routine

If you don’t already have regular exercise in your daily routine, then you need to find time to include some! Regular exercise can work wonders for your body especially if you’re looking for ways on how to sleep more soundly at night.

Vigorous exercise can help to promote better sleep at night but even light daily exercise will provide benefits as well. There are tons of different things that you can add to your daily routine to help improve your sleep quality.

Get outside and walk for 15 minutes a day, hit the gym, or even try doing some relaxing yoga! Getting some sunlight is another way to help your body get better sleep. If you get outside in the morning time, then the sunlight will help your body wake up quicker and get ready for the day.

  1. Write Down Everything That Is Bothering You

One reason that you might not be getting the sleep that you’re craving is that your mind is racing with things that are bothering you or causing you stress. If you’re laying in your bed with racing thoughts about what tomorrow will bring, then a great way to relieve that stress is to write down everything that is on your mind.

Get out a journal or a pen and paper and start writing. You don’t want to pull out your phone or computer as the bright lights will cause your body to feel more awake. Instead, use paper to write down all of the thoughts in your head.

Writing everything down will help your brain to be relieved from everything going on inside. You will have a better chance to fall asleep easier and can get to your list when you wake up in the morning.

  1. Reserve Your Bed for Sleeping (And Sex) Only

A lot of people like to do other activities in their bed besides sleeping, whether it is playing on their phone, watching television, or relaxing throughout their day. Unfortunately, this could be one of the major reasons why it is difficult to fall asleep at night.

Instead, if you treat your bed like it is a sleeping sanctuary, then your body will know that once your head hits the pillow it is time for sleep. This is one of the major reasons why you should limit the activities that you do in your bed.

You should also find ways to make your room optimal for sleeping. Make sure that you invest in a sheet set, comforter, and pillows that you find comfortable. If you don’t find your bed as comfortable as possible, then it won’t be easy to fall asleep.

  1. Think About the Positive Things

Most days are filled with tons of ups and downs, but the last thing you should think about before you go to sleep is something positive. This will help you finish your day in an uplifting way and be a great way to drift off to dreamland.

Take sometime before you fall asleep to reflect on all of the positives that happened in your day. You can think of all of the productive things that you accomplished throughout your day as well.

Any negative things that might have happened to you are only temporary. Problems can be fixed! Nothing negative has to stay the same and you shouldn’t dwell on bad things that happened.

A great way to fall asleep is by practicing gratitude and being thankful for things that have happened or things that you have in your life.

Creating the perfect way to fall asleep doesn’t always have to be something physical or something that you can see. Instead, it might need to be the way that you feel while trying to sleep. Be sure to have a positive mindset as you try to fall asleep each night.

The Best Ways for How to Sleep Better at Night

You might not find yourself sleeping better at night the first time you try these steps. The more and more you do them, then the better your sleep will get. Continue trying and watch as you wake up feeling even more refreshed and rejuvenated every single day!

You will be thanking yourself each day for taking the time to learn how to sleep better at night.

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Feature Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

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