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Ways Diet Can Impact Your Health

healthy foods

It should come as no surprise that the food you put into your body can directly impact your wellbeing. Food is fuel for the body and making the right choices allows your body to run like a well-oiled machine. Without proper care, you can run into various negative effects that will leave you feeling less than your best. Below, we’re sharing some specific ways in which your diet has a direct impact on your health. 

Disrupt Brain Function

Do you ever have days where you feel like you’re losing your mind? Maybe you can’t seem to remember anything, or you experience mood swings that impact the quality of your day. Interestingly enough, this can be a direct tie to what you’re eating! Your brain is one of the most important organs in your body, acting as a control center for the rest of your body, making it important to nourish it properly.

Some of the worst foods for your brain include sugary drinks, refined carbs, high trans fats, highly processed foods, aspartame, alcohol, and fish that are high in mercury. Each of these can have significant impacts on your brain function leading to memory loss, behavioral changes, and are even thought to contribute to both Alzheimer’s and dementia. 

Influence Your Menstrual Cycle

In most cases, you know when to expect your period, how long it’ll last, and what the experience will be like each time. However, disruptions in your hormones and diet can create changes in your cycle. Three things that can affect your cycle are alcohol, fiber, and fats. According to a 2002 study, consumption of even a single drink can disrupt your cycle—and not to mention your organs as well. It’s thought that alcohol temporarily increases levels of estrogen and testosterone, therefore, changing the typical hormone fluctuations for ovulation.

While fiber is an essential part of your diet, as it can help lower cholesterol levels and control blood sugar levels, it can also reduce estrogen levels. This can lead to an irregular and unpredictable period, making it an inconvenience altogether. In any diet, there are good fats and bad fats, and if your body doesn’t consume enough of the beneficial kind it can also throw your cycle out of whack. One study found that a lack of omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to irregular periods due to the effect of mood swings and depression.

If you find yourself wondering what you can do to help make the situation better, begin by becoming aware of the food you’re consuming each day. Then, in terms of your period, you should always be prepared. It may be uncomfortable carrying around a tampon or pad at all times, so consider using a menstrual cup instead. Not only are they easier to conceal—some like the one we mentioned come in a leather case—but they can provide you with peace of mind and twelve hours of leak-proof protection for even the most unpredictable period. 

Prevent Disease

Did you know that specific food can work to protect your body against various diseases? Fueling your body with the proper food can prevent obesity, which is oftentimes a major risk factor for other conditions such as type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, stroke, or even heart disease. Food that you may be consuming that can contribute to this are things high in sugar, fats, and calories.

In terms of heart disease, a diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help maintain your blood pressure and cholesterol, resulting in less strain being placed on your heart. Osteoporosis, a condition that causes bone loss, can lead to other issues such as broken bones. By ensuring you consume a diet rich in calcium, you can work to keep your bones strong and out of harm’s way. If you ever find yourself in a position where you can’t find foods you enjoy that support a healthy diet, don’t be afraid to research supplements and take vitamins each day. Vitamins and minerals are essential and have proven to be equally as important as the food you consume.

Of course, there are other ways diet can impact your health in both positive and negative ways. Intermittent fasting, or water fasting, is when you avoid food intake for a period of time, consuming only water in the process. During this time, your body uses stored body fat as energy which leads to weight loss and other health benefits. By making a conscious effort to consume healthier, more substantial foods, within a time frame, your mind and body will thank you.

Featured Photo by Wendy Wei from Pexels

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