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5 Key Steps to Level Up Your Productivity


1. Wake Up Earlier

Pick up the best time for going to bed and waking up. Try to split your sleeping period into rounds that last 90 minutes each. It would seem like this: 1.5 hours > 3 hours > 4.5 hours > 6 hours.

Have you ever felt sleepy even after eleven hours of dreaming? Because you woke up in the middle of the round. Or how you feel recharged and full of energy after three hours of sleep. Again, rounds.

Getting the habit of waking up early, you could devote several hours to yourself and your goals. That works great even if you work at home and have no rush. Here are some suggestions on how to do this:

At first, you may feel a sort of frazzled but this is ok – this is how your body is getting used to the new schedule. In such cases, try to have a nap for 20-30 minutes.

2. Make Your Workplace Super Comfortable

It’s proved that keeping the workplace in order has a direct impact on labor productivity. Remember this when you’re going to ask yourself again: ‘How should I hone my productivity?’. Thus, to increase personal productivity whether for your job or a hobby, organize your workspace properly.

These features provide the maximum degree of comfort which guarantees you great well-being. And as we all know, productivity is also improved with the right motivation and a good mood.

3. Set Priority Value To Your Plans

If you don’t know how to develop your working productivity, try planning your business in advance, ideally every day in the evening. This easy way allows you to wake up with clear procedures in your head. Especially if your goal is to deal with several tasks.

Of course, you can’t just throw a to-do list on a piece of paper and forget about it until the morning. The tasks must be ranked in order of priority – the most important ones go first, then ordinary issues and ‘no-hurry’ ones are in the end. Psychologists recommend starting your day with those tasks that seem to you the most difficult and unpleasant. Having dealt with them, you will ‘get it off your chest’ not getting into procrastination and still end up in a good mood for the rest of the day.

4. One Task at One Time

Don’t try to do everything at once. You could accomplish more tasks by focusing on just one thing. Keep away all distractions – social networks, instant messengers, chit-chatting with friends. Focus on and do nothing but the task.

5. Learn From Others

No matter how obvious it may sound but even professionals have to go on studying. Reading is good but it’s far better to learn from the positive experiences of people who understand the issue of interest. A simple example – working out at the gym. Many trainers believe that studying the mechanics of exercises and proper nutrition helps their clients to keep fit. However, doctors may argue about this: in order to build an ideal body, it’s necessary to follow the reference values ​​of hormone levels, check your stomach and lungs as well as heal the spine and joints.

Final Thoughts

It may take several years to develop these habits but believe me, the results will be stunning. You have to understand that your time is limited so live on every day as efficiently as possible.

Try putting these techniques into practice and you will see that you can go much further!

Written by Thomas Brown

Tom Brown is a writer, a project manager, and a self-starter with a keen eye for detail and thorough expertise in developing informational and educational content. He is the founder of Smart Home Desk – a blog dedicated to home interior design and office furniture technologies. He is into neatness and brand new home improvements.

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