Travel & Recreation

How to Take Long Bus Trips Like a Pro
Cash for your car

If you are taking your first long bus trip, you probably have lots of questions about what to bring, how to pack and what to do. Here are some tips from to help you relax, enjoy the journey and ride the bus like a pro.

Arrive At The Bus On Time
No one likes to feel stressed and rushed at the beginning of their journey. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time and arrive at the terminal and platform before departure. Most bus transportation companies in Toronto recommend being at the bus at least 1 hour before departure. This way you can make sure your luggage is safely stowed, choose a comfortable seat and begin your journey feeling relaxed.

Choose Your Seat Wisely
If you arrive at the bus on time you should have a chance to choose your seat. Many people like to sit at the back of the bus, but advantages to sitting at the front are that there is less jostling around, you are close to the driver in case of any problems and you are closer to the doors so you get off the bus first. If the bus isn’t full, you can sometimes grab a window seat and then have the other seat for your bag or some extra room.

bus travel tips
Photo by Annie Spratt

Use the Bathroom Before You Leave
Although buses are equipped with an onboard bathroom, it is usually better to use the bathroom at the bus station before you leave. It is also a good idea to visit the washroom at the scheduled rest stops.

Bring Snacks and A Drink
Taking along snacks and drinks for the trip is always a good idea. This way you can keep your energy up, enjoy your favourite foods, stay hydrated and not have to spend an arm and a leg at the rest stop areas where food tends to be more expensive.

Pro Tip: Drinking Gatorade or sports drinks instead of water can keep you hydrated, without leading to multiple trips to the bathroom.

Bring A Book Or Movie To Watch
Staring at the scenery can be great, but you may want to bring along other things to help pass the time. A long bus ride is a perfect time to finish that book you’ve been wanting to read – or a great time to catch up on the latest TV series or movie on your laptop or tablet. Just bring along your headphones so you don’t disturb your fellow passengers.

Photo by João Silas

Dress In Comfortable Layers
Buses are normally equipped with climate control, but sometimes they can get a little chilly or a tad warm depending on the weather. Dress in comfortable layers so you can take off a sweater or add one depending on your comfort level.

Think About Safety
Busses are generally very safe places, but it is always a good idea to pay attention to your surroundings and to keep any valuables out of sight. Be sure to put away phones, tablets or any other valuable items if you go to the washroom, and take them with you if you leave the bus at a rest stop. It also helps to have small amounts of money in an easily accessible place so you don’t have to bring out large amounts of cash. If you have any concerns you can always speak to your driver who will be happy to help you out.

Take The Overnight Bus
The Overnight bus is a great way to get from one destination to another – if you don’t mind missing out on some of the scenery it can also be a great way to save some money on a hotel room. You can relax, fall asleep and wake up refreshed at your destination.

Bring a Blanket and Small Pillow
If you do take the overnight bus, or want to grab a nap while you travel a blanket and small pillow can make your trip very comfortable. Add an eye mask and earplugs and you’ll sleep like sleeping beauty.

Photo by Daiga Ellaby

Take Advantage of The Onboard Wi-fi
Most buses are now equipped with free wi-fi, so you can check your email, post on social media and browse the internet while you travel.

Use these tips to help take your next long bus journey like a pro!

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