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Living the Hollywood Dream – Actor Nicolas Jung Shares His Amazing Journey

Actor Nicolas Jung

It’s the rarest of the rare who embrace his or her passion for success in the film industry and ends up living that Hollywood dream. One such rare individual is the exceptionally talented South African actor Nicolas Jung.

“I’ve had some great advantages,” Nicolas said as he began explaining his journey to Hollywood success. “Sure, I grew up in South Africa, and a lot of people thought that was an insurmountable obstacle, a huge disadvantage…” He raised his shoulders and quickly shook his head. “It was a blessing,” Nicolas continued. “I considered myself fortunate. I knew that I was living over 10,300 miles from where I needed to be.  I needed to be in Hollywood – the film capitol of the world. I had to be 100% committed to make that happen. The passion and the commitment were incredibly strong – and, of course, they still are – so the distance became almost inconsequential.”

“I had another tremendous advantage, an advantage that, unfortunately, too few actors have.  I had the total support of and the unshakable belief in my success from my mother, Patricia. My father was an international teacher and my mother was an accountant. Logically I should have been discouraged from having ‘dreams’ and encouraged to pursue something ‘practical’ considering my parents’ backgrounds.” Nicolas smiled as a thought entered his mind. “Actually,” he continued, “it was just the opposite. My mother is my number one fan. She has always encouraged me. She strongly believes that my acting abilities must be shared with the world.”

Actor Nicolas Jung in studio

Nicolas Jung is an exceptionally talented actor.  Smiling, he modestly admitted “I believe I was given this gift not to squander but to share with the world.  I am here to make a difference – and what better way to do so than by bringing great exciting, thought-provoking and empowering stories to life on the screen?”

As a young adult, it seemed logical to Nicolas Jung that he would continue his education in the United States. “I moved to California” he explained, a twinkle in his eye, “to get my master’s degree in Acting – and to dedicate myself to the launch of my Hollywood career.”

To say that the launch of his film and television career has been successful would be an understatement. In under 24 months, Nicolas racked up over twenty professional film and television credits. “There wasn’t time to do more film projects while I was working on my master’s degree,” he said, coyly flashing that famous smile. “Things have changed now – now I have more time.”

Those twenty-plus films included one that Nicolas wrote and directed, in addition to brilliantly playing the starring role.  Yes, he walked the red carpet at the premiere of that film at the world-famous Chinese Theater in Hollywood – almost the definition of film success!

Actor Nicolas Jung red carpet

Nicolas Jung has signed contracts to star or co-star in five feature films taking place over the next three years. “Those are confirmed projects,” Nicolas told us. “I also have a couple of others that have been offered and a handful that are in development.”  

Nicolas Jung is frequently asked about his “secrets of success.” He usually prefaces his answer by telling his interviewer or audience that there are six major guidelines. Then he lists them: “Find your passion and live it. Follow your dreams. Jump up every time you’re knocked down.  Acknowledge and appreciate the challenges. Surround yourself with positive, powerful like-minded people.  Never settle for anything less that your absolute best. And never stop.”

Sometimes he elaborates on one or more of the six principals.  For number six, he offered this: “The world is full of people who had absolutely no idea how very close they were to major success when they gave up.” Powerful words from a powerful gentleman.

After the sixth principal, Nicolas continued, “Live your life with an attitude of gratitude. Be thankful for the miraculous gift of life and use it wisely. Lead by example. Make a difference.” When it was pointed out that he had given ten success “secrets” instead of six, Nicolas once again smiled. “Thank you for noticing,” he said. “When you promise a certain amount, always give more. Always remember to leave them a tip.”

Nicolas Jung possesses a great deal of insight and wisdom, a fact that is especially impressive considering that it is coming from a gentleman who is so young in years. “As you objectively observe and question, looking at everything from all possible directions, you unravel mysteries,” Nicolas shared. “There is so much power within you, within all people. Through my work in the entertainment industry I plan to continue encouraging people to truly open their eyes, question, and to get in touch with their inner power.” Nicolas paused, tilted his head slightly to the side and ended with the famous Star Wars quote: “May the force be with you.

Mr. Jung is represented by Christopher Montgomery of Prodigy Talent, Hollywood


Written by K.T. Michaels

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