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Prevent and Reduce Repetitive Strain Injury with Penclic D3 Mouse

Penclic D3 Mouse – An LA’s The Place Top Pick, Best Innovative Product

On a daily basis, our hands are put under tremendous amounts of pressure in the working environment. On average, a person spends 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, 48 weeks a year sitting at a desk at the computer. Other millions of people send hours daily, year after year on the computer for the purpose of education, entertainment, business, social interaction and more.

Protect your most valuable asset to perform everyday duties, your hands and wrists!

When using your mouse, you use the same muscles over and over. Within your hands there is 123 named ligaments and 27 major joints which requires 34 muscles to move your fingers and thumb. Penclic D3 can help you prevent and reduce symptoms of RSI. (Repetitive Strain Injury).

Penclic from Sweden has developed ergonomic computer accessories that helps the way you work. Their latest addition the wonderful Penclic D3 corded mouse. Penclic offers an alternative solution which protects your wrists and hands while giving its users precise results efficiently.

No set up required. Just plug and use!

With no set up required, Pencilc D3 corded has an innovative design that swaps your regular computer mouse for a swiveling pen design which gives the hand a more relaxed, comfortable and natural grip then the difficulties of a mouse, also giving its consumers better more precise results in a shorter space of time without the need for a mouse pad.

Every once in a while, a greatly needed product that can prevent untold problems comes along. This is perfect for those who are feeling the strain! Don’t wear out your vital assets, your hands and wrists!

The Penclic D3 Corded is perfect for both left handed users and right handed users. Just plug in and play. Also available with Bluetooth technology! Available from Amazon for $65.57.

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