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ROX Center Offers a New Feminine Solution to a Woman’s Body – Femilift

ROX Center of Beverly Hills is known for its extraordinary team of surgeons. Always on the cutting edge of what’s happening, finding the best solutions for their patients, they now offer “Femilift“, which is an innovative procedure of the vagina that does’t require surgery, anesthesia or down time.

Dr. Jay Calvert of ROX Center Beverly Hills, CA

Dr. Jay Calvert of ROX Center ( “I have spent a great deal of time researching and watching these technologies over the last 4-5 years and now they have come of age! This is a very amazing the device that does some amazing things! We are very excited to offer Femilift at ROX Center Beverly Hills.”

As you already take care to maintain your youthful appearance, with solutions for your face and body, now, with Femilift, you can bring the same care to your feminine parts as you do to the rest of your physical plant.

Femilift represents the latest medical breakthroughs to turn back the clock, returning your body to a fresher state. Femilift even has the bonus effects of better control of urinary incontinence and increased sensation during intercourse.

Like it or not, your entire body is subject to the effects of aging, from your head to your elbows to your feminine area. In addition, your vaginal region can also lose structure and shape due to childbirth, smoking, surgery, weight gain, and natural maturation. For a long time, you’ve been able to address wrinkles and lines on your face, but now you can get treatment for your lady parts too with the same ease you expect from today’s plastic surgeons.

Femilift takes the same kind of laser that has been used to reduce wrinkles on the face and applies it inside and outside the vagina. The laser is housed within a hand piece wrapped in a sanitary probe that is disposed after every procedure. The hand piece itself is inserted up to 8 centimeters into the vagina and rotated 360 degrees to cover every wall.

The doctor will monitor and adjust the heat and energy settings on the laser, but the settings will be tolerable for most patients. No anesthetic is required because the nerves in the vagina are found in only the last 2 centimeters leading the cervix. To prevent the probe from extending too far, the hand piece comes with a marking to tell the doctor when to stop.

This specialized laser encourages the formation of new collagen in the vaginal tissues. Collagen is considered the building block of the skin. In combination with elastin, collagen forms the foundation of your complexion. When new collagen forms, you can expect to see and feel fresher, more youthful skin.

In addition, Femilift can tighten the floor of the pelvic cavity separating the bladder from the urethra. This region can be affected by childbirth and lead to urinary leaking. Femilift can address urinary continence related to coughing, sneezing, laughing, or running.

Femilift should, of course, be administered by a trained and certified gynecologist. The procedure itself is a painless, minimally invasive 30-minute treatment administered three times, with no recovery or downtime. Patients can have intercourse as soon as 5 days after surgery and can resume vigorous exercise 7 days after the operation.

The treatment should last 24 months or more, at which point the vaginal area will return to its original state. At that time, the procedure can be repeated without issue. Patients have been known to pop in during lunch and be on their way back to work before the hour is up, resuming their everyday activities without issue.

Femilift is not to be confused with vaginoplasty, a more complicated form of reconstructive surgery for the genital area. In addition, vaginoplasty can cost twice as much as a full Femilift program.

Femilift offers a label to one of the procedures that dare not speak its name in the past — and gives it the modern treatment, with a short, painless application that requires no downtime and lets you get back to your life. Perhaps most assuring, Femilift can be administered by only a trained gynecologist, for optimum results.

If you’ve been treating your skin for wrinkles and other affects of aging, Femilift can fit right into your treatment regime. In addition to rejuvenating your vaginal walls, Femilift can help treat urinary incontinence and bring back greater sensation during intercourse. The effects of Femilift may not be visible to the naked eye, but they can be felt by the most important person: the patient herself.

ROX Center is unique because they offer the highest echelon of outpatient surgical services, delivered by a renoun team of surgeons who focus their efforts to give their patients the absolute best and safest experience possible while under their care.

This video from the creators of Femilift, Alma Lasers, explains it well:

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