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Aerate Wine and Fine Liquors with Aerator by Aermate

Aermate Wine Aerator

Great Christmas Gift Idea!

The Aermate wine Aerator provides a new modern, contemporary design for unlocking flavors of wines and most other fine liquors to awaken the natural aromas within.  The Aermate is a stylish stainless steel design for effortless use and is small enough to fit perfectly into your drinks cabinet for instant access with ease.

Your drinks are made from organic products like grains, corn and grapes so by infusing air into your glass softens the acidity and lowers sulfate levels which revamps your beverage.

The sophisticated construction is created to aerate not just one glass at a time but can aerate a whole bottle at once in a matter of seconds. The Aermate uses tiny holes which are finer than a grain of sand which allows the air to pass through causing micro bubbles which then rise through the liquid infusing oxygen into the beverage releasing the wonderful flavors resident in the glass.

Created by a couple of guys who met in college the Aermate is made from food grade stainless steel and silicone which is what most of your products in the kitchen are made from so it has no harmful chemicals or glues.

With no batteries or motors the Aermate is simple to use and even more simple to clean just rinse under warm water ready for your next bottle to be served.  For more information on the Aermate Aerator you can visit and can be purchased for only $39.95.

Aermate Wine Aerator


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