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Sleep Apnea Solution: Dr. Marc Kayem and The Snoring Center in Beverly Hills

More and more people are becoming aware of the health dangers of snoring.  Yes it is an annoying habit that can wreak havoc on your marriage or relationship and cause sleep deprivation, but it might also mean you have a more dangerous medical problem on your hands: sleep apnea.

Do you Suffer from Sleep Apnea?

You know for certain that you snore, but not sure you have sleep apnea? If so, you’re not alone. Approximately 18 million people in the United States suffer from sleep apnea with fewer than 50% properly diagnosed. When test subjects, who were aware that they did snore, watched video of themselves, they were stunned to see that they actually quit breathing during sleep.

Sleep apnea occurs when airway obstruction interrupts normal breathing, lasting 10 seconds or longer.  These interruptions occur during sleep, with as many as 30-300 episodes per night. Sleep apnea causes daytime sleepiness and has been linked to higher incidences of stroke, heart disease, and even weight gain.

If you suspect that you may have sleep apnea and want a permanent snoring solution, it’s wise to seek medical attention from specialists in the field. Even if it’s to save your marriage,  Dr. Marc Kayem, a Board Certified Otolaryngologist, uses the latest, minimally-invasive treatments available to resolve snoring and sleep apnea. Dr. Kayem has been able to bring relief to thousands of patients and their partners.

Recently, Dr. Kayem opened the new Snoring Center in Beverly Hills. Says Dr. Kayem: “The Snoring Center’s progressive and innovative approach to treating sleep disordered breathing has improved the lives of thousands of patients from around the world,” said Dr. Kayem.  “In the past, patients would have to travel to Texas to visit The Snoring Center.  It is exciting to watch our team expand into new markets in order to provide minimally invasive, office-based snoring and sleep apnea treatment to more men and women in need.”

The Snoring Center is the nation’s leading provider of minimally-invasive, office-based treatment for snoring and sleep apnea, including the Pillar Procedure from Medtronic. Since snoring and sleep apnea can originate from various anatomical sites (nasal, palate, throat) which over-the-counter remedies often fail to remedy, the Snoring Center specializes in identifying the source of the problem to effectively treat the issue.


Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea

After a history and physical exam at the Snoring Center, and sleep apnea is suspected, then a sleep study would be ordered. The sleep study may be done at one of their affiliated sleep labs or a home sleep study might be ordered.

If sleep apnea is diagnosed, then appropriate treatment would depend on whether you have been diagnosed with mild, moderate or severe sleep apnea. At that time, all available and appropriate treatments such as the Pillar Procedure among others will be discussed during the consultation with Dr Kayem.

Thankfully, the Snoring Center believes in taking a minimally invasive approach to sleep apnea treatment. This means using technologies such as the Pillar Procedure from Medtronic, Coblation of the Nasal Turbinates, Soft Palate Coblation and Laser Tonsil Ablation, as well as the use of oral appliances. These single-day procedures with local anesthetics will get you back to your normal life in a hurry with little to no discomfort and recovery time.

What is Pillar Procedure?

The Pillar Procedure helps to reduce the vibration that causes snoring and the ability of the soft palate to obstruct the airway by placing 3 to 5 tiny woven implants in the soft palate. Once in place, the implants add structural support to the soft palate and, over time, the body’s natural fibrotic tissue response to the implants increases the structural integrity of the soft palate. The Pillar inserts are made of a the same material used in sutures and hernia meshes for more than 50 years.

More than 40,000 people worldwide have been treated with Medtronic’s Pillar Procedure. The Snoring Center has performed more Pillar Procedures than any other practice in the world.

Dr. Marc Kayem

Serving as a team physician for the Los Angeles Kings, Dr. Kayem brings over 20 years of experience to The Snoring Center.  He graduated from The University of Ottawa before completing his Otolaryngology training at The University of Montreal.  Dr. Kayem has been involved in minimally invasive treatment of snoring and sleep apnea for years, and is a recognized leader in his field.

The Snoring Center has offices in Beverly Hills, Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston.

For more information please visit

The Snoring Center Beverly Hills
120 S. Spalding Drive, Suite 340
Beverly Hills, CA 90212
Ph: 855 DR SNORE

You can solve your snoring and sleep apnea problems at The Beverly Hills Snoring Center.

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