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Fullbar – the Perfect Diet Solution to Keep the Holiday Weight Gain at Bay!

Besides all the joy and celebration the holidays bring, also comes the weight gain from all the holiday eating and drinking. To avoid overeating, or to help with a weight loss plan, Dr. Michael Snyder developed the Fullbar brand to offer a weight loss solution. Dr. Snyder is a noted bariatric surgeon, who has spent years working with people who are critically overweight at his nationally recognized Bariatric Center of Excellence in Colorado. FullBar is inspired by the principles of weight-loss surgery. When a person undergoes bariatric or lap band surgery, a device is installed to constrict the stomach. The result is that when food is ingested, it stretches out the upper part of the stomach, telling the brain that you’re full. Fullbar, with all-natural Slendesta, utilizes two distinct fullness mechanisms, which are clinically proven to help promote weight loss. It works with your “wiring” to stimulate a complex neural and hormonal feedback loop that fills you up so you eat less.

When you consume a Fullbar, your stomach fills up on less food, causing you to feel satisfied with smaller amounts of food, so you consume fewer calories during meals, helping you lose weight.
When you eat a Fullbar 30 minutes before lunch and dinner or as a substitute for your daily snack, you notice that you won’t desire to eat as much – your hunger lessens as you eat. Fullbar is also very chewy and full of flavor, so it satisfies your craving for something chewy and flavorful. But, there is more…

Bringing Science to Weight Loss    
Slendesta, which is manufactured by Kemin, is sourced from U.S.-grown, non-GMO white potatoes from which the Proteinase Inhibitor PI2 is extracted. PI2 promotes the release of CCK, the natural signaling peptide within our body, which in turn induces the feelings of fullness and satisfaction known as satiety. The CCK signaling process is enhanced and extended by Slendesta, but is an entirely natural process that occurs with or without Slendesta when food is consumed. Not a stimulant, Slendesta works naturally with the body to control hunger without unwanted side effects such as jitters. The result: controlled portions, limited snacking, a lower caloric intake and reduced weight. Eleven separate clinical studies entailing more than 500 participants have been performed and documented by Kemin affirming Slendesta’s efficacy.

Beyond adding the powerhouse satiety ingredient Slendesta, Fullbar has also welcomed two new flavors to its popular family of weight loss bars: Chocolate Caramel and Chocolate Peanut Butter. These join existing Fullbar flavors Double Chocolate Cocoa Chip, Peanut Butter Crunch and Cranberry Almond, all of which have been re-formulated to improve both taste and function.

Sold in health food and mainstream retail stores nationwide, you can find more information at

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