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Update Your Home with a Costa Mesa House Painter

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Live in the popular coastal plateau known as Costa Mesa, California? Looking to update and transform your home? A Costa Mesa house painter can work what may seem like artistic miracles inside of a home or office space. Tired of one dimensional walls? Hire a Costa Mesa house painting team equipped with experts in faux finishes. Faux finishes use colors, textures and glaze to create illusions on walls, ceilings and floors. A talented team of Costa Mesa house painters can make plain floors look like they are paved with Mexican tile. Faux finishing specialists can also easily change the look of a plaster wall into a wall made of stone, leather, wood grain, marble, stucco, metal and more. Ask prospective Costa Mesa house painting teams about their capabilities and experience. Possible interior and exterior faux finishes will depend on what type of material is being painted, so a client may need to have a house painter walk through the home to be able to give an estimate about what they can offer.

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There are many commercial painters and residential house painters in the Costa Mesa, CA area. Finding the right one to update your home takes a clear vision while interviewing companies. Take the time to write down all desires for redesigning the interior and exterior surfaces of your home. Articulate questions about the amount of time the job will take, how much paint will be needed, how the grounds will be prepared and how long will it take for the paint to dry. The only relevant time to ask questions and create a plan is before signing a contract with a Costa Mesa house painting company. After a contract is signed, both parties are bound to the terms within.

Finding a Qualified and Affordable Costa Mesa House Painter

It has been decided that your home needs an update, but will it be feasible and affordable? Finding an affordable Costa Mesa house painter who can execute the specific job desired is a matter of research and negotiation. Use the free estimates of Costa Mesa house painters being researched to figure out the general range of pricing. Develop a range that would make you comfortable, and negotiate with qualified companies. Many Costa Mesa house painters will appear affordable upon first glance at the estimate, but hide fees within the final contract which can lead to an angry homeowner who feels taken advantage of. Make sure the estimate includes all fees including paint, tools and labor associated with the job. Ask about the possibility of added charges – what they would be and when they would happen. Check all licenses and references while going over contract terms before agreeing to let any company paint your home. Good communication is the key to finding a Costa Mesa house painting team that will stay within the proposed budget and complete the job to satisfaction.


Some Costa Mesa house painting teams are counting on clients hiring them for their interior and exterior painting needs. One way to negotiate is to let the house painting companies being considered that you will go with the most affordable option of high quality work for the interior and exterior work, regardless if two separate companies have to be hired to get the best deal. The company may be willing to drop the price of their interior or exterior estimate just to retain the entire job and not lose it to a competitor. Other ways to cut costs are to purchase preferred paint on clearance or online for a discounted price after the color palette has been chosen. Finding a Costa Mesa house painter who includes color choosing and design in their fee is another way to cut costs.

About the author

Lanee Neil