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LA’s The Place Catches up with Bethenny Frankel

LA’s The Place writer Brittany Reimann catches up with Bethenny Frankel about life, motherhood, her new book and more.

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LA’s The Place writer Brittany Reimann had a chance to catch up with Bethenny Frankel over the phone which was videotaped on Bethanny’s end. Watch the video and read more below…

Bethenny Frankel is more than just a New York City Housewife these days. As a new mom, Frankel has partnered with Pampers “Gifts to Grow” program, which is a program that gives reward points for purchases which you can redeem for prizes. Frankel, having her own companies, rarely partners with other brands, but says that the Pampers brand was irresistible. She refers to parents as “unsung heros” who should be rewarded.

“I had no idea that parenting would be so much more challenging than work,” Frankel said.

Finding balance between a growing career and a new family is difficult. Frankel admits, “I will never have balance, I have learned that. I just really strive for a good night’s sleep.”

The silly things she used to worry about, like boys and going out to clubs, are a thing of the past as she tries to stay on top of her balancing act. Her reminder to new mothers trying to do the same is, “We are women, we are strong, we are going to get through it. We take on so much, sometimes too much, and we just have to plow through and get on to the next thing.”

While staying busy managing her SkinnyGirl margarita line, television shows, and family, Frankel says the hardest part of ABC’s Skating with the Stars, was having to practice every single day for ninety days. The practice paid off, however, when she made it to the finals and became the official runner-up for the grand prize.

Frankel is leaving for a speaking tour to talk to women about body image, gossip, and her new book coming out on March 22nd, “A Place of Yes“, which highlights the ten rules of getting to where you need to and want to in your life.

“My favorite aspect of my career is really connecting with my fans”, Frankel says. This tour will allow her to do just that, with her speaking to over 1,800 women during her travels.

She is also continuing her television series “Bethenny Ever After” which returns to Bravo February 28th. She says we can expect the true story about her marriage to man from a small town, her in-laws wanting to constantly be involved in their life, religion versus yoga in their household, turning forty, and the many other adventures she finds along the way.

Although there are embarrassing mishaps caught on tape, like her peeing in a champagne bucket on her wedding day, the gist behind the series as a whole is connecting with the fans about things that she is going through, that she knows they are going through as well.

Coming from a woman who is doing it all, Frankel’s advice to new mothers who are learning to juggle is, “Some people don’t understand. Some friendships will suffer because you have to prioritize your family and your career.I have single friends who don’t understand. I have people in different kinds of marriages that don’t understand. But you will find that things change, you are in a different place. You have to adjust and do the best you can. Pray for a good night sleep. Don’t aim for perfection, because you will never come close to getting it.”

In the next five years, Frankel sees her SkinnyGirl line growing into a rainbow of products on shelves, being more deeply involved with charities, writing more books, having her own daytime talk show, possibly having a second child, and definitely getting more sleep than she is right now.

The future looks bright for this former Real Housewife and it is clear she is becoming comfortable in her shoes as a Real New York Supermom.

To find out more about the Pampers Gifts to Grow click here to hear more details about the Pampers Gifts to Grow that Bethenny mentioned…

About the author

Brittany Reimann