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Los Angeles Automotive Coach David Giuliano is the Car Coach Dealers are Looking For

David Giuliano is an Automotive Coach. Mr. Giuliano has taken what he has learned in his years working in the car industry and formed a business and automotive coaching practice that gives him the unique ability to offer car dealerships “car coaching.”

A look at recent automotive industry reports show independent car dealers comprise at least a third of sales, with over 30% of used car sales currently being made by independent car dealers. The car market is looking brighter, but a competitive edge is definitely needed to stay afloat.

David Giuliano through his coaching practice Without Boundaries Coaching offers car coaching that serves a car dealership’s entire structure from the sales department to service, parts, finance as well as the management and owners.  The best automotive coach will help you understand that a stable car business focuses on what is inside of the business and not on external factors that cannot be controlled.

Three Critical Car Coaching Questions from Automotive Coach David Giuliano

1. What do you think your employees say the biggest challenges of your business are?

As the manager or owner of a car dealership, you know what you think the biggest challenges for the dealership, but do you know what challenges your employees face? During car coaching, David Giuliano emphasizes a connection with employees as one of the most critical aspects of keeping any business solvent. The car dealership environment is not always conducive to knowing what each member of the team is doing, or what help they need to do better. Taking time to ask employees about their thoughts is a car coaching technique that can uncover information critical for increased productivity at any car dealership.

2. How often do you check in with your staff? If there were an issue, how long would it take for you to find out? How would you find out about that issue?

One part of being an automotive coach is helping everyone understand the functionality of the business. The way a business functions is based on the way in which the staff operates. David Giuliano’s car coaching helps car dealers create ways in which the staff can feel more connected to problem solving by being given ways to alert team members to problems that may exist. David is a car coach who has seen it all, and he knows investing in employees and getting information from them about problems before they escalate out of control is extremely important.

3. As an owner or manager, if you could have anything you wanted from your employees, what would it be? What would be the optimal measurable result or achievement look like for the dealership?

Perhaps productivity in your dealership is waning, but have you assessed and articulated what should be happening? Communication and solid goal setting can be achieved with the help of a professional automotive coach. David Giuliano uses the tools he has developed over the years to help managers and owners of car dealerships effectively engage staff and allow internal change to bring positive external results. Without Boundaries Coaching engages your vision to guide the way and allows you to experience automotive coaching from an expert.

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