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The New American Dream: Are We Literally Dying to Be Thin & Rich?

The American Dream has changed quite drastically over the years.  As the thought emerged to produce a picturesque family, house, dog and white picket fence, people knew they had to work hard to have the opportunity to gain the serenity of family.  However, today the Old American Dream is almost archaic.  What has replaced it is the need to find happiness in being successful, fit, thin and wealthy.  Are we drowning ourselves in vanity that we are loosing the sight of what a true healthy and happy life is?


According to Y.K. Kim, modern philosopher, public speaker, author, successful entrepreneur and founder of the modern martial arts, there is a New American Dream that is the solution to this dilemma.  In an effort to help guide Americans to achieve the New American Dream, Y. K. Kim created a CD/DVD program, The NEW American Dream & U.S. National Exercise.  “My programs are based on nature which is harmony and balance. Modern Success requires harmony and balance,” said Kim.

What does he mean by harmony and balance? We live in the most abundant society in history.  Modern technology is growing at a rapid pace but our lifestyle hasn’t grown to match it making us victims of technology. 67% of Americans including 12.5 million children are suffering due to weight problems. 80% of Americans suffer from back pain. Modern stress is literally killing us. It is not just a personal problem anymore it is national crisis.

Y.K. Kim has the answer to this crisis. With the US National Exercise, which is the 7 ways to exercise without spending any extra time, space or equipment, you can exercise anywhere, anytime even while driving or sleeping. It is a new concept of exercise. The New American Dream will show you how to develop the 5 kinds of fitness: Physical fitness, Mental fitness, Moral fitness, Financial fitness & Life fitness. It will motivate you to exercise and will give you harmony and balance to create modern success.

“These programs were designed for everyone who wants a successful life,” said Kim.  “With technology growing, people want this ‘modern’ success, but it’s nothing like the Old American Dream we used to want.  Modern success has brought about modern stress that has caused many Americans to be overweight, sick, endure back pain and have increased self-doubt.  This is a national crisis and if we don’t fix this balance, it will be disastrous for our future.”

Y.K. Kim teaches people to practice fitness daily to be healthy, wealthy and successful and to spread the 5 kinds of fitness to their family and friends.  “It’s all about learning to exercise and have a successful life,” explains Kim.  “We need all 5 levels of fitness to achieve the success and happiness we want in our lives.”  He goes on to explain that stress, poor habit and lack of exercise are literally killing Americans and with them the old American Dream.  In his New American Dream program Kim provides mental exercises to create a new level of success. U.S. National Exercise provides physical exercises you can do without spending any extra time. These unique programs have revolutionized people’s lifestyles.

About Y.K. Kim:

A native of Seoul, Korea, Y.K. Kim serves as a living testament that the American dream is alive and kicking.  He left his homeland in 1976 to come to the U.S., with only his black belt and a heart full of hope. Homeless and without a green card, he worked hard, shedding blood, sweat and tears to overcome cultural shock, financial difficulties and a language barrier to achieve a rare level of success.   “I got into martial arts because I wanted to be a strong person,” explains Kim, “and it was the best decision I ever made and I’m stronger than ever!  I did not create these programs for anyone – I created it for myself. I was poor and I wanted to be happy and successful.  I had a painful life because of anger and self-doubt.  I wanted to have peace in my heart and in my body.  I wanted to be strong so I created these programs.  I am healthier, stronger and happier then ever before.  I have achieved the NEW American Dream and I wanted to share it with people so they could change their lives as well.”

Kim is the author of several books, including:  Winning is a Choice, Success in Martial Arts Business, and Health is the Foundation of Success. He also is an in-demand public speaker and the publisher and editor-in-chief of Martial Arts World Magazine.

“These programs will definitely impact the everyday lives of people,” explains Kim.  “They will give you the ability to make the changes you need to make in order to have positive feelings right away, to change your mind, your beliefs, your lifestyle and to be able to have these benefits for life! We shouldn’t label ourselves one way or the other.  The brain is extremely powerful and if we flood it with the positive instead of the negative we can have success.  Self-doubt is a poison to the heart.  We must defend ourselves against these self-attacks.  You are the only person who knows how to truly attack yourself with negativity.  So, why not flood it with the positive instead?”

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