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Westlake Village Dermatologist – How to Find the Best Dermatologist

Choosing a dermatologist is a challenging task, but with organization and preparation it can be an easy first step to taking care of your skin’s health and appearance. Every Westlake Village Dermatologist is not the same; there are hundreds of dermatologists in the Westlake Village area including Agoura Hills, Calabasas, Hidden Hills, Woodland Hills and Canoga Park. Each Westlake Village Dermatologist has a different philosophy and a different way to charge and treat patients.

There are many different ways to find a qualified Westlake Village Dermatologist. Use the list below to help you start the search:

Ask Your Insurance Provider

If you have health insurance, you should be able to find a Westlake Village Dermatologist by logging on to their website and finding a list of local practitioners who are within the coverage network. After you have narrowed down a list, call each Westlake Village Dermatologist on it and ask if they are accepting new patients. If you know of a procedure you need, ask the receptionist if there are any patient recommendations on file. You can also inquire about how long the doctor has been in practice.

Consider Members of the American Academy of Dermatology

The American Academy of Dermatology is the largest dermatological organization in the United States, and is very well respected. You can find a quality Westlake Village Dermatologist by browsing Academy members. Dermatologists who are members of the American Academy of Dermatology continue their education and are held to high standards of excellence in practice. A Westlake Village Dermatologist who is also an American Academy of Dermatology member also goes through a regular process of peer review.

Get a Referral From Your Doctor

Any primary care doctor will give patients referrals to visit specialists outside of the general medicine scope. If you have skin complaints that your doctor can’t diagnose and treat or if you are interested in a procedure only a dermatologist can execute, simply ask your doctor to recommend a dermatologist. Your doctor should have a qualified Westlake Village Dermatologist in their professional network, and your general practitioner can work together with your dermatologist to diagnose and treat you. Doctors who work together ensure the patient is getting the most specialized care available.

Ask Friends & Relatives for a Recommendation

When looking for the best dermatologist, oftentimes your personal social network has the answer. Inquire with friends and relatives about what Westlake Village Dermatologist they visit, and follow up by calling the office and asking questions. A qualified Westlake Village Dermatologist will be board-certified in dermatology and most are members of the American Academy of Dermatology. Before you get too excited about a recommendation, call the office and make sure the doctor is accepting new patients.

Agoura Hills Dermatologist – Address Common Skin Conditions


There are more disorders of the skin than of any other organ in the body. If you are lucky enough to reach old age, there is a 90 percent chance you will suffer from a skin disorder. The best Agoura Hills Dermatologist will be able to diagnose and treat the most common skin conditions like dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, skin cancer and vitiligo. If your Agoura Hills Dermatologist needs the opinion of a more qualified specialist, they will be able to refer you to another specialist and help find a resolution. Ask your Agoura Hills Dermatologist what you can do to protect your skin from problems down the line.

Calabasas Dermatologist – Get Rosacea Treatment from a Professional

Have you asked your Calabasas Dermatologist about Rosacea? Rosacea is a chronic condition of the eyes and skin that occurs when the skin becomes inflamed and causes blood vessels to swell. The swelling of the blood vessels causes acne like bumps and red flushing of the face to occur. If you think you are one of the 14 million people in the United States who have rosacea, ask your Calabasas Dermatologist for a diagnosis and ask about what kind of treatment options are available. Rosacea is generally treated with antibiotic creams, ointments or pills and sometimes is treated with lasers. A good Calabasas Dermatologist will be able to make you understand you are not alone and the first step to making sure your rosacea doesn’t get worse is to get it treated.

Hidden Hills Dermatologist – Dealing with Acne

Acne is the most common skin disease, affecting people from all walks with life with different diets, nationalities and it affects both men and women alike. There is no cure for acne, but a Hidden Hills Dermatologist will be able to diagnose and determine the severity of the acne as well as recommend treatment methods and lifestyle changes that could help decrease it. Ask your Hidden Hills Dermatologist about what you can do instead of squeezing your pimples to clean your pores (because squeezing a pimple simply drives the skin cells and bacteria further down under the surface of the skin rather than forcing them out). Every Hidden Hills Dermatologist will agree it is a good idea to wash your face before bed to keep oil and foreign substances like makeup from seeping into your pores.

Canoga Park Dermatologist – Treating an Itchy Scalp

One out of every 5 people in America have dandruff or some type of skin condition that causes and itchy, flaky scalp. If you have an itchy scalp that is out of control, let a Canoga Park Dermatologist diagnose and treat your condition. The benefits to trusting a Canoga Park Dermatologist to treat your scalp over treating it yourself is the prescription strength shampoos which can include cortisone, coal tar, zinc, selenium, salicylic acid or anti-fungal ingredients. If you are a dandruff sufferer who has used prescription shampoos in the past with no results, as your Canoga Park Dermatologist about other possible treatment methods.

Woodland Hills Dermatologist – Visit a Doctors for Severe Symptoms

Don’t let your skin suffer or allow a condition to get worse by avoiding treatment. Call a Woodland Hills Dermatologist today if you are experiencing a wound that is not healing, a rash that will not go away, a mole that is growing or any other skin issue you have questions about. A Woodland Hills Dermatologist will also be able to remove uncomfortable scars, birthmarks and tattoos. Ask your Woodland Hills Dermatologist about varicose veins, sun protection and cosmetic surgery as well. A qualified dermatologist will have the answers to all of your skin, hair and nail questions and will be able to refer you to a specialist if you require help outside of their knowledge.

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