
Auto Auction Chino

Cash for your car

Auto Auction Chino expedites the process when you need to buy or sell a used van, car, truck or SUV in Chino or anywhere in San Bernadino County. No more searching the San Bernadino County newspaper classifieds for cars or spending advertising money to find a buyer. In a few days, Auto Auction Chino can get you cash in your hand or the right car purchase. And all this at no extra cost to you while getting a better price.

Chino and its surroundings have long been a center of agriculture and dairy farming, serving needs for milk products in Southern California and much of the southwestern United States. Chino’s rich agricultural history dates back to the Spanish land grant forming Rancho Santa Ana del Chino.  In 2008, the City of Chino was awarded the prestigious “100 Best Communities for Youth” award for the second time in three years. If you want to be harvesting the fruits of your labor instead of being buried in DMV paperwork, Auto Auction Chino is the simple answer.

Call Auto Auction Chino in San Bernadino County at 800.946.7700.

For more about Auto Auction Chino, watch this short video.


Take advantage of their FREE service in Chino by clicking HERE.

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About the author

Lanee Neil