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Los Angeles Business Coach and Conflict Resolution Coach David Giuliano Offers Without Boundaries Coaching

David Giuliano is a Business Coach and Conflict Resolution Coach in Los Angeles who uses his 25 years of experience as a business consultant and business owner to create an approach for his clients that is without boundaries. Giuliano is a Conflict Resolution Coach in Los Angeles, as well as a Conflict Resolution Coach in Beverly Hills, Conflict Resolution Coach in Santa Monica, Conflict Resolution Coach in Culver City and a Conflict Resolution Coach in Hollywood.

David Giuliano combines what he has learned through his professional coach training at the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) as a Business Coach, Corporate Coach, Management Coach and Life Coach with his extensive knowledge of how businesses operate to serve the Los Angeles professional community.

Without Boundaries Coaching is the brainchild of David Giuliano who is a Life, Business and Conflict Resolution Coach in Los Angeles. Mr. Giuliano has been serving the business community for over a quarter century as an expert whose philosophy is centered on helping clients finding their own solutions to the problems their businesses face in a rocky economy.

David Giuliano was gracious enough to share some of his insights about business and conflict resolution with

LAsThePlace:  What are some initial warning signs a business owner needs help from a qualified Business Coach or Conflict Resolution Coach in Los Angeles?

David Giuliano:  The first sign is that everything they have tried is not working and they don’t know what to do. Maybe they have to make hard choices that they are not comfortable with and have nowhere they can go to verify their beliefs, or they are simply stuck and can’t seem to move forward.

LATP:   You have a strong background in business as a self-employed consultant specializing in problem solving and Conflict Resolution. How does your experience inform your coaching approach?

DG:  While my experience gives me a definite advantage, every client I work with is unique. Even though the challenges may be exactly the same, the way they are answered is always different, because they are not my answers; they are the clients.

LATP:  Without Boundaries coaching gives a business an opportunity to gain help in the realm of conflict resolution and overall productivity. What makes your philosophy unique in the world of professional coaching?

DG:  What makes me unique as a coach is that I have multiple coaching techniques, instead of just one learned method so I can cater to your specific needs. Multiple coaching techniques combined with all the training and education you expect from a coach, as well as being a small business owner gives me a unique advantage over most coaches. I have run into most of the challenges you have, so I understand you from a perspective not just as a coach. My 28 years of hands on experience in the car business had me naturally coaching staff and other business owners where I successfully served as a problem solver. I believe coaching is an art, not a science. I was fortunate to be born with an innate ability to read people and a genuine capacity to serve and listen to others

LATP:  Your website indicates you employ a highly personalized approach to business coaching and conflict resolution coaching. Do you use tools to help assess a business, and if so what are some examples? 
:  First, I coach from the ground up. My tools are what I see, and what I hear – simple things such as what does the business environment look like, does it look like it is well cared for or is it neglected? Second, I look at the energy at which the employees are functioning. By energy I mean – do they look and act defeated or are they attentive and on task? Those two small examples are what give me insights into some of the bigger challenges and a place from which to start.

LATP:   When searching for a Conflict Resolution Coach in Los Angeles, business owners run into coaches with a variety of different beliefs about what conflict is and how it should be resolved. How do you define “conflict resolution” and what does “conflict resolution coaching” mean to you?

DG:  Conflict has many different faces; some conflict is very obvious such as a two party disagreement on a certain situation, event, or belief. In many situations, conflict exists and only one party has knowledge of the problem or conflict. There are many times a whole company may be in conflict and the only one who doesn’t know is the manager or owner.

Resolution also comes in many different forms. Sometimes resolution means having to hear things or accept things that make you angry, sad, completely bewildered, shocked and surprised. Sometimes resolution might mean complete laughter! The real payoff, though, is when all is said, and both sides were able to really listen and they can see where the misunderstandings were, what assumptions were made, and how inaccurate they were. More importantly, when moving forward they are almost always relieved, even if they are not in agreement with each other because a new space has been made for new choices and new possibilities.

LATP:  Tell me about some of your training experience as a Conflict Resolution Coach in Los Angeles – did you take seminars and classes on Conflict Resolution?

DG:  I am a certified professional coach. My training was given by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching or (iPEC). My experience in Conflict Resolution and problem solving comes from 28 years in the wholesale car business. In that time I was exposed to thousands of challenges and I was privileged to do business with many different automobile dealerships. From those business relationships I saw what worked what didn’t. I dealt with many managers and owners, paid close attention and was always more interested in the people who were parts of the businesses process and how they made it work. As a result in many cases I was asked to mediate and felt very comfortable in doing so. I always cared more about the quality of the work environment than I cared about anything else.

LATP:  How is business coaching different from business consulting?

DG:  Coaching is about the ideas and answers of the client. In my experience, the client is the priority in the process – it’s all about him or her and their business, their conclusions, their truths. As a coach, my job is to help them find the answers and solutions that they already possess and haven’t yet realized. Consulting is different in most cases in that the consultant analyzes the challenges, comes up with suggestions, answers or solutions based on what they think and advise accordingly.

LATP:  You talk about helping business owners and managers listen to intuition, which leads to solving problems. Please expand on this concept.

 DG:  Many owners and managers have said to me many times, “I always had a feeling…” or, “I always wondered if I made this move or that change, if it would be a good result.” The next question I would ask is simply, “Why don’t you listen to yourself?” I get a thousand different excuses why business owners and managers don’t listen to themselves and I encourage them to look at as many of those thoughts and feelings as they can. I then ask the question, “What would it be like to make that choice or decision now?” I ask them to analyze whether their answer or result would still be the same or would it be different?

LATP:  What is the first step for a business owner interested in securing a Conflict Resolution Coach in Los Angeles, and how can a manager best prepare for Conflict Resolution Coaching?

DG: The first step is to schedule a consultation to see if coaching is a direction that best suits you. To prepare for coaching you must make a list of any questions you have about what coaching is and what it can do for you. If the business is familiar with Conflict Resolution Coaching and knows there is a conflict preparing for coaching simply requires a clear thought process.

 Here are a few guidelines:

 1. Be clear about what they think they conflicts really are.

 2. Be willing to be brutally honest even in the face of adversity.

 3. Be willing to be open to possibilities that they never dreamed of being possible.

LATP:  What areas of Southern California are Without Boundaries Coaching services available and does coaching occur in person, over the phone or through email?

DG:  While Without Boundaries Coaching is located in Southern California, its services are available all over the USA.  Initially I prefer to coach in person, I feel it moves the process along more quickly. Much of my coaching occurs over the phone. I also provide email access to my clients in the event something needs to be addressed at an unscheduled time.

LATP:  You are a respected member the International Coaching Federation, the Sons of Italy, the St. Monica Catholic Community and a graduate of the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching. How do you feel your community and professional affiliations add to Without Boundaries Coaching and your career as a Conflict Resolution Coach in Los Angeles? 
DG:  Whenever you are a part of any community you learn about yourself, and about others. The value in what you learn is immeasurable. Those communities have all taken me to task. They have shown me when I have been out of integrity; they have shown me when I have been of my greatest service. I believe it greatly compliments my coaching practice. 
LATP:  What is one tip or concept any business owner can use to help their business thrive? 
:  I believe the number One priority in any business is to see where you are in service and where you are not, and in every aspect of your business.

That specifically means to focus on anyone and anything that has to do with your business.

1. Is the work environment perceived to be what it should look like for the kind of business you have?

2. As an employer, do your employees have what they need physically, and mentally, for them to properly service your clients?

Perception by employees is everything, I cant tell you how many times I have heard from an employee that they don’t think their employer cares one way or another, and asking the employer they would say just the opposite. When you are clear about those things you will truly see your business in a way you never have. As you address those few issues, you will be amazed at what you’ll find and how you will start to move forward.   
David Giuliano’s dedication to service and helping business owners resolve their own conflicts through coaching coupled with his decades of experience make him a Conflict Resolution Coach in Los Angeles his clients can count on. Giuliano has been serving the business community as a conflict resolution and problem-solving expert for over 25 years, and his experience has built a reputation of being committed to excellence and assistance. Without Boundaries Coaching provides businesses with a Conflict Resolution Coach in Los Angeles including West Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Culver City, Santa Monica and more.

To schedule an appointment with David Giuliano, visit his iPEC Without Boundaries Coaching profile & contact him through the online form:

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