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LA’s The Place Speaks with MatchMatrix’s Creator Frank Seifert is about to revolutionize the world of dating and relationships.We spoke with Frank Seifert, creator of this new technology that is changing the future of dating.

LA”s The Place:  How is MatchMatrix different from the top dating sites?

Frank Seifert:  MatchMatrix is not a dating site. We offer dating sites and people on dating sites a way to know upfront the true potential with any person of interest.

LATP:  Do you use a long questionnaire like eHarmony?

FS:  That is the beauty of MatchMatrix and what makes us so unique. We don’t use a questionnaire at all. Those are subjective tools that let people describe who they are and what they want. They have value, and as I said they are subjective. We ask one totally objective question — “What’s your birth date?”

LATP:  So then it must be some kind of astrology or Numerology?

FS:  Again this is where the science comes in. Not Astrology or Numerology. Our Relationship Compatibility takes a new approach by looking at your Energetic characteristics only. You have an energetic pattern that is unchangeable and as permanently defined as your blood type

LATP:  Then How does MatchMatrix determine compatibility?

FS:  An independent scientific study of MatchMatrix has validated the presence of an energetic dimension to relationships. That is the dimension we work with when looking at your energetic pattern. How your pattern merges with the pattern of another person determines how you relate to each other and your compatibility.

We tell you specifically if you will be able to communicate well, enjoy sharing activities together, if you’ll handle money in a similar way and if you will be sexually fulfilled. And there’s more.

LATP:  We’re all ears!

FS:  There is a handful of what we call Personality Modifiers; they provide clarity about certain characteristics that can be troublesome if two people don’t share the same energetic patterns. We have titled these, Controller, Achiever, Manipulator, Perfectionist and Engager. Our MatchMatrix has detailed descriptions of these and how they impact the relationship

LATP:  Those sound like some people I have encountered. What else can you tell?

FS:  A very big insight that we offer is about Attractions.  Most people call it Chemistry. All you have to do is read a few profiles on a dating site. Most women will insist, “Give me Chemistry or forget about it!”  There is a big problem with that.  Yes, everyone loves and wants chemistry. And we can deliver what has been called the “Holy Grail” of dating.. We can tell you before you meet if there will be an Attraction.

The problem is, for half the population when they feel that powerful chemistry they need to run the other way, because they are attracted to a person who will be very difficult to live with over the long run. These folks have what we call False Attractions; we can help by showing them the people who they can absolutely have a great relationship with over time.

LATP :  Does the MatchMatrix system work for other than romantic relationships?

Absolutely!  When two people spend time together their energetic patterns have an influence.

Business optimization is a big issue today. With the economy the way it is jobs are getting thinner and the stress levels are increasing. We can determine the best energetic environment that will increase job efficiency, creativity, productivity, and overall job satisfaction. At the same time energetically matching personnel reduces turnovers, absenteeism and has a major impact to reduce health issues. Happy, healthy, productive working environments are easily defined.

LATP:  We hear you organize single’s cruises…what do you do there?

FS:  Selecting roommates is something we love to do.  We’ve had had great success putting the right cabin mates together. The last cruise we organized resulted in many of the single people who we assigned cabin mates leaving with new lifelong friends and saying this was the best cruise they had ever been on.

LATP:  What do you see in the future now that this energetic dimension has been defined?

FS:  We’ve made it possible for all kinds of businesses to use our system.

Internet Dating sites can easily add energetic compatibility ratings to their exiting offering. Instead of giving you a random Daily 5, or Yahoo Personals sending you their Weekly 15, they can send custom matches that are energetically aligned.  The beauty is MatchMatrix integrates with their current system and the dating site doesn’t have to ask their users for any new information than they already have. It’s instant and profoundly valuable.

Organizations like can place people with roommates who are energetically aligned. Their success will go through the roof.

Universities can assign roommates who won’t be a nightmare, but  be supportive and easy to live with.

Therapists and relationship coaches have a new tool to dramatically improve their success with clients.

The bottom line— with this new  understanding people will be able to let go of blame, resentment and guilt and replace them with acknowledgement, honoring  and respecting their partner. These changes will go a long way toward far more fulfilling, joyful and long-lasting relationships.

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