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Are My Spirit Guides Listening To Me?

By Psychic Medium Cheri Mancuso

From the conception of birth, a Guide is chosen in the ethereal world with the consent of the soul about to be born. Upon conception that individual is guided throughout life by a spiritual mentor for the length of the host human’s lifetime. In the dream state, the soul converses with the spirit by out of body movement and acts accordingly for the processing of karmic debt. This spirit and host human have been together from the beginning of time and are karmic through physical and spiritual activity in the physical and spiritual planes.

My spirit guides come to me in all shapes and sizes and will communicate through visual contact. Your third eye is where you see your dreams and visions. With some people  (like myself) it comes 24/7 throughout the day and night. All I have to do at any given time is close my eyes and I see like watching television, in symbology and still picture form. Seeing numbers and initials is always included.

Your Guides are constantly trying to give you messages through the day and night. Sometimes it can come through insects, animals or even loved one’s. They try desperately to get your attention but most people don’t bother to learn how to contact them, talk to them or even ask for their help.

Meditation is the key to tuning into your guides, leaning how to meditate and learning to be aware of messages around you.

At night my guides show me messages that I know are just for my family or me. I asked them years ago to do this. It’s like prayer. You must talk to them and tell them what you need from them. As they help you to evolve in life, they to will get credit and evolve to a higher plane by helping you. But you must learn to connect with them.

For anyone wanting to learn how to become more aware of their spiritual existence, how to manifest what you want in life etc. I teach one on one either in person or by phone.

(Read our article on Psychic Medium Cheri Mancuso here)

Here’s an example of some of my class subjects:

These sessions are dealing with your specific issues in this lifetime and manifesting what you do want out of life. My sessions are strictly geared toward you & who you are now and who you want to be in the coming future. We explore & manifest your goals. If you don’t have any idea of what you want in life, we’ll find out through my Guides directing us. These sessions are a ” mirror ”

Of who you have been, who you are now & who you want to be in the future.Your Guides and mine get together in these sessions and map out the ” rest of your life”

The whole goal of the sessions is to get the student to see where they’ve been in life, where they are now & where they’re going. It’s a weekly session where we tune into the Guides each week seeing if any new developments with you, work, love, health, family etc have changed or any problems that arise can be resolved. My Guides always tune into what’s going on at the time we meet either in person or phone.

We also develop your own psychic ability, get into who your Guides are and how to connect with them.

We do your astrology & numerology that tells your destiny and karma in this life with you & your loved ones.

We do dream interpretation (your dreams & what they mean. etc.
We cover a lot.


How to manifest a good relationship in your life and get the person you want to be happy and fulfilled.


SPIRIT GUIDES & how you connect with them

KARMA & its connection to this lifetime

– Why you’re attracting the wrong people in your life & how to change your energy


– How to interpret your dreams and what they mean. How to remember your dreams


– How to interpret what you see & feel


– Understanding of numbers and their meaning

How your specific numbers help to tell your future and your destiny and karmic connection to loved ones and your family & pets

HEALING ENERGY & how to disconnect from negative energy around you and to manifest wealth & power


– How to actually see what you want in life and the key to actually getting it.


– The understanding of Symbols as you see them in dreams & visions

   Interpreting your dreams & visions in meditation


– How to learn channeling for healing for yourself and others


– Understanding how to heal yourself and diagnosis illness in yourself and other people and animals


– Creating what you want out of Life & How to manifest


– Learning why you are here and if you’re on the right path. What is your destiny and why do we go through the hard times in life?


– What do I want to do for the rest of my life?

– How to keep connecting to your family

– How to keep the romance in your relationship or how to attract the right person in your life.


Cheri Mancuso

Cheri Mancuso

is recognized all over the World for writing exclusive psychic and spiritual awareness articles. She is excited to write a weekly column for Cheri will answer questions written to her on a weekly basis on subjects pertaining to the readers needs. She will also with her partner John Scarano be writing articles on Spirit, Karma, reincarnation etc.

Personal and business questions are welcomed. Please join our weekly discussion with Cheri Mancuso.
You can read more about Cheri in our editorial here…

Click here to read Cheri Mancuso’s column

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