Health & Fitness

Flat Belly Foods (Sorry, there’s no such thing…!)

Cash for your car

By August J. McLaughlin, CN

You’re sitting at the doctor’s office or at your hair dresser’s, under one of those space helmet style dryers, and your eyes clasp onto it, the headline that reads like a chilled Aquafina amidst a hot, dry desert. “FOODS THAT FIGHT BELLY FAT”, it reads. Thank god! Another expert has staked claim to a magical diet do’s and don’ts list that targets and eliminates belly bulge. I hate to break it to you but the “expert” is actually versed in marketing, not nutrition, and knows full well that particular buzz words amp magazine sales tremendously. ‘Flat’ plus ‘belly’ equals a beeline to the bank for Mr. or Mrs. Marketing Jo.

How to get a flat stomachFood as Fuel

Foods are designed to contribute to our bodies and our health, not to remove ounces, pounds or self esteem. A moderate diet that focuses on getting plenty of nutrient-dense foods into your body (fruits, vegetables, complex carbs, lean proteins and healthy fats) is key to healthy weight and wellness.  Add moderate, regular activity and you’re further prepared for success. But there is still something substantial missing.

Attitude is Everything

Many health and nutritional articles fail to address the importance of peoples’ attitudes pertaining to food, their bodies and themselves. Consider this: those who are grateful for their food seldom feel shame over eating it. Those who aren’t shameful are more likely to maintain a healthy weight. And those who find pleasure and joy in eating struggle less often with stress, obesity, eating disorders and the whole array of ailments that accompany these. When a person shifts their perspective from, “How can I get smaller?” to, “How can I live larger?” everything, including one’s belly, will fall into place. It may sound obscure but you’ll find it to be true as you get there. Indeed, the proof is in that darned proverbial pudding. I challenge you to take a bite.

Ten Steps to A Flatter Belly:

1)    Wear comfy clothes that fit.
2)    Stop comparing yourself to skinny, air-brushed models.
3)    Give yourself compliments every day.
4)    Eat fruits and veggies daily.
5)    Drink plenty of water.
6)    Slow down while you’re eating.
7)    Breath.
8)    Find physical activities you enjoy and do them because you want to.
9)    Keep a gratitude journal.
10)    When you have negative thoughts about your body, remind yourself what you’d remind any close friend who expressed the same: You are not your waist size, weight or the size of your belly.

You’re beautiful precisely as you are.

For additional information or to post questions to be addressed on LA’s The Place, visit August’s blog:

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Lanee Neil