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Advanced Laser Clinics South Bay: A Sip from the Fountain of Youth in the South Bay

Advanced Laser Clinics Hermosa BeachThe Southern California lifestyle was built on the promise of sun, sea, and surf, but for many of us, this intoxicating trio eventually takes its toll, in the form of sun damage, wrinkles, and skin discoloration. In the past, we’ve resorted to harsh chemical products, invasive surgery, and hack remedies in our attempt to undo these sins, but now Advanced Laser Clinics South Bay – offers a full range of skincare procedures to turn back the clock and reclaim your skin’s pristine appearance.

Medical Director
Presiding over Advanced Laser Clinics is Dr. Aaron Rollins. After graduating from McGill University Medical School and enjoying a successful practice in New York, Dr. Rollins attended UCSF in San Francisco for additional plastic surgery education. Trained in Dermal fillers by Pierre Fournier MD, the leading cosmetic surgeon in Paris, France, Dr. Rollins specializes in minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, which provides the best possible results with the least amount of downtime. A member of the American College of Surgeons and the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery,  he now teaches Botox and Dermal fillers to other physicians in seminars and conferences all over the country. Providing wonderfully rejuvenating and cosmetically enhanced results, Dr. Rollins strives to provide each patient with personalized treatment.

Titan Skin Firming Procedure
Advanced Laser Clinics has devised the miraculous Titan skin firming procedure, a light-based treatment that takes less than an hour to complete. It sounds simple enough: Advanced Laser Clinics’ trained technicians and health professionals focus a safe, infrared light on the area you wish to alter. In response to the laser, the collagen below your skin’s surface shrinks, tightens, and solidifies, leading to a smoother, softer complexion. Most likely, you’ll notice only a short burst of warmth where Titan makes contact–until you look in the mirror. About a third of patients boast of instant effects, but everyone who undergoes Titan can look forward to three to six months of natural collagen production, culminating in an improved appearance, all without the pain and bruising associated with plastic surgery.

Though it’s known as a nonsurgical face-lift, the Titan method can be used on many areas of the body, and patients often request treatment on the stomach, thighs, and arms, in addition to the forehead, cheeks, jowl, and neck–wherever you want your skin to appear toned, tightened, and youthful. Even elbows and knees can look smoother thanks to Titan, and mothers will especially love the option of turning the treatment on their stretch marks and postpartum tummies.

IPL Treatments
Your skin can also benefit from the IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) photorejuvenation treatment, which helps correct signs of aging, such as brown spots, broken capillaries, and rosacea, while simultaneously encouraging collagen production. When paired with microdermabrasion, Advanced Laser Clinics’ combined therapy can be applied to the neck, chest, hands, and whole areas of skin, not just small sections. Ultimately, you’ll sport a younger, more natural look, sans the downtime and the visible aftereffects of a surgical procedure.

Additional Skin Rejuvenating Procedures
* Laser Genesis for tightening skin, minimizing pores, smoothing fine lines and building collagen.

* Advanced Lipo Dissolve to vanquish double chins, love handles and tummy fat. * Laser Hair Removal, which eliminates the tedious need for shaving, tweezing and waxing.

* Botox to rid one’s face of frown lines and wrinkles.

* ClearLight Acne Treatment which destroys most common bacteria causing acne through a UV-safe light.

* Chemical Peels to reduce age spots, specific kinds of acne, reduce fine lines, improve appearance of mild scarring and reduce the signs on wrinkles caused by sun damage or aging.

* Cutera to stimulate the development of new collagen for the overall appearance of the skin.

* Derma Fillers to fill in wrinkles, lines and scars.

* Obagi skin care products to improve the skin cell function rather than just mask damaged skin.

* Permanent Makeup which deposits tiny implants of pigment to the dermal layer of the skin.

* Radiesse which improves the appearance of wrinkles and facial lines through a minimally invasive injection.

* Restylane which improves the volume and smoothness of the skin and reduces appearance of wrinkles.

* Scierotherapy to reduce the appearance of varicose and spider veins.

* Sculptra to restore and correct the signs of facial fat loss.

* Steam Treatments which prevent and treat acne by clearing pores and increasing collagen production.

* Vipeel which improves the tone, texture and clarity of the skin.

Services Made Affordable
No matter which process or program you choose, Advanced Laser Clinics puts the patient first. By mass marketing these services, Advanced Laser Clinics has made it cost-effective for average consumers to enjoy procedures previously available only to the rich and famous. In addition, Advanced Laser Clinics insists on using only best-in-class equipment that’s been proven to be both safe and effective.

Safety First
This regard for safety goes even deeper. Not content to merely follow California law, which permits only registered nurses to perform laser hair removal treatments, Advanced Laser Clinics requires its nurses to undergo another 40 hours of training before they can see patients. In the end, the bottom line is customer satisfaction, and the clinic offers written service guarantees on all procedures. I personally underwent a series of IPL treatment, with beautiful results, no problems.

A Brand New You
Everyone deserves a second chance, and now, it’s more cost effective and convenient than ever to bring back the skin of your youth without resorting to invasive surgery. Advanced Laser Clinics offers viable and affordable alternatives to painful procedures that require extended recovery times. Whether you go with Titan, IPL, microdermabrasion, or laser hair removal, Advanced Laser Clinics guarantees that you’ll like what you see.

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