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Dr. Nat’s High Tech Mommyhood

In working on my book, Smart Inventors Finish Rich, Ten Steps to Reaching the American Dream, I got to interview some amazing women and learn about a whole bunch of great technology created for and by moms!

Women Have Been Inventing Since the Beginning of Time
I know sometimes the world of invention is thought of as more of a man’s domain. In reality, women have been inventing since the beginning of time. For instance, did you know that the inventor of the ice cream machine was Beulah Louise Henry? She began inventing as a small child, sketching mechanical gadgets, and received her first patent at age 25 for the ice cream maker in 1912! Ellen B. Boyce obtained a patent for a washing machine way back in 1862. And the machine that made the grocery bag? That patent went to Margaret Knight in 1871.

What is interesting is that in preparing for an upcoming inventor’s summit,, I have gotten a lot of emails from women inventors! They were very glad to see that Thomas Edison’s grandniece, Sarah Caldicott (with her new book, Innovate like Edison) and I are on the list of guest speakers. When people find out that I coach inventors, it seems EVERYONE has an idea that they would love to see in the marketplace! If you think I might be talking about you, and you want to be inspired by amazing inventions, inventors, and their ingenuity, read on!

Whirlpool Mother of Invention Grant
One of the most fascinating people I got to talk to was Audrey Reed-Granger, Director of Public Relations at Whirlpool. There she heads up the Whirlpool Mother of Invention Grant Rewards Innovation and Ingenuity of Mom Entrepreneurs event. And, get this:  the invention CAN’T have anything to do with appliances. Whirlpool wants to reward women inventors who are making the world a better place; not better appliances!

Mary Anne Amato from New York is one of the winners of the Whirlpool invention contest. Mary Anne invented the Quick Change Crib. Mary Anne’s crib allows parents to change crib sheets without lifting the mattress or removing the bumpers, which is the normal practice when changing sheets in standard cribs. Her design lets parents slide the mattress out of the crib, giving direct access to change the sheets.

No-Squeeze Juice Box Holder
Owner and creator, Julie Steele, came to the invention world via her stay-at-home mom status.  With two toddlers who loved to squeeze juice boxes all over the car, around the house, and onto themselves, she was a woman in search of a solution!  Realizing she wasn’t the only parent to struggle with a sticky mess from juice boxes, Julie set out to solve the squirt problem and invented “No Squeeze Juice Box Holder” – a patent pending solution to the squirt problem that is also cup holder-friendly.  And Julie created “Story On The Go!(tm)” an audio CD to transform car rides into a fun story-time experience kids will love and learn from. Julie developed 9 original short stories featuring lovable barnyard animals that children ages 3 to 8 will love, and each story theme encourages good behavior!  A great solution for carpool, daily errands, road trips – even bedtime!

Ellaroo Baby Carriers
Creator/owner Vesta Hartman Garcia became an inventor of babywearing industry by creating solutions to fit her life and goals. After her daughter was born in 2002, a limited selection of baby carriers on the market put Vesta on a path that ultimately led to Ellaroo.  Ellaroo designs are inspired by traditional baby carriers from around the world while keeping the modern, style-conscious mom and dad in mind.  Ellaroo prides itself on not only offering gorgeous, bold baby carriers sure to get noticed, but on being an economically, socially, and environmentally sustainable business. All Ellaroo products are made from organic and earth-friendly products.    

Native Remedies
Company creators and owners, George and Adrienne, set out to create Native Remedies after having dealt with their own child being diagnosed with disorders such as ADHD and ADD. The disruption it caused in their lives, as well as the devastating effects of Ritalin, inspired them to launch an online destination that offers parents alternative health solutions and hope. To help little one feel better faster and more naturally, Michele Carelse, a Clinical Psychologist with a special interest in natural medicine, formulates the natural, herbal, and homeopathic remedies. With a website chock full of useful health information, from diagnosis to lifestyle advice and recommended products to maintain and improve a healthy body and mind, you can see why they have over 150,000 satisfied customers worldwide.

Baby Care Timer
What new parent does not need help with learning and remembering and communicating the basics of baby care? New parents are sleep-deprived and overwhelmed and often find it hard to remember who did what and when – like how long ago a diaper was last changed, how long ago the baby was last fed, or how long ago medicine was given. And it’s not just mom taking care of the baby; dads, grandparents, and others are helping out.  To make baby care easier, the ITZBEEN was created. It is a multi-purpose timing tool that helps keep track, communicate, and share basic baby care information with the press of a single button. A quick glance at the ITZBEEN may help someone figure out why a baby is crying; perhaps the baby has been awake too long or needs to be fed!

B.B. Sleep Solutions, LLC
No parent is born knowing how to swaddle a baby, and it’s important because better swaddling can lead to longer sleep times and prevent and treat colic. A solution that would make that happen has got to be music to any parent’s ears! Enter B.B. Sleep Solutions. They offer swaddling blankets and instructional DVDs that educate parents on how to effectively swaddle and soothe baby 100% of the time.

Think you got a great idea?
If you are a woman and got a hankering for inventing and being innovative, check out the Whirlpool Brand Mother of Invention Grants at Is it worth going for? You be the judge! Beth House received a package featuring a $20,000 grant, a new home office, and a two-day business boot camp to leverage Whirlpool expertise, including product development and marketing. In addition, Beth also will receive Whirlpool brand’s most innovative products-a Duet(r) or Cabrio(tm) washer and dryer and a Whirlpool(r) Fabric Freshener. The criteria for the Whirlpool Contest are similar to those of most great inventions:  it has to create a solution to an unmet need; it must be unique in the current marketplace; and it should offer a viable business solution. And if you want to get mini-MBA in inventing and learn how to QUICKLY turn your ideas into cold, hard cash, check out the upcoming Working Inventor Weekend with Scott Evans of  I’ll be there speaking along with some amazing people! And keep me posted-whether it’s how much you loved these products, or you want to tell me about your newest invention, email me at

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