Arts & Culture

“Schoolhouse Rock Live!” Makes Learning F-U-N

Cash for your car

The hit animated series that featured up-tempo educational songs and cartoon vignettes from 1973 to 1986 has made a comeback in this musical adaptation at the Greenway Court Theatre.

A perfect show for the entire family, kids will be thrilled to discover the magic of "Schoolhouse Rock" for the first time, and parents of early Gen X will sing along with nostalgia as the show features classic hits like, "I’m Just a Bill," "Figure Eight," and "Interjections!" Wow!

Eduardo Enrikez, Chad Borden and Antoine Reynaldo Diel in Schoolhouse Rock Live! 

The story itself is a lot like Elmer’s glue, it barely holds the fabric of the story together. But it’s enough to plod along through the worries of an elementary schoolteacher Tom (Eduardo Enrikez) before his first day of teaching as the five characters emerge from out of his TV reserved usually for video gaming (which seems to have a murky statement hidden in there). The five voices presumably in his head sing him songs about how to make teaching fun.

The cast and the score make up for the tenuous transitions with their energy that is as fresh and bright as a Disney lounge act on a cruise ship. Yes, it can get a little cheesy, and leave one feeling a little seasick, but as an ensemble, this level of commitment is contagious. Audience members are invited to join in on the fun; sometimes with hilarious results…counting in sets of ten in this economy apparently is a bit tricky for some.

The Cast of Schoolhouse Rock Live! 

Every performer has at least one solo, and some rise to the occasion while others seem to just be trying to catch their breath. The standout number, and also one of the most critically acclaimed songs from the series, boasts an enthusiastic and charming Elaine Loh with her soul snapping belt "Sufferin’ Till Suffrage."

Antoine Reynaldo Diel steals the show right from the start and is lovable in "I’m Just a Bill" that stays true to the original cartoon with its ingenious costume and set design. Chad Borden is hysterical throughout especially in "My Hero, Zero," but occasionally loses some of his infectious spark in his other solo performances.
Antoine Reynaldo Diel, Chad Borden and Eduardo Enrikez in Schoolhouse Rock Live!

Director Mark Savage stays true to the feeling of the cartoon without the show turning into absolute caricature. Utilizing clever video techniques with his helium enhanced barbershop trio in "Lolly, Lolly, Lolly: Get Your Adverbs Here" and using members of the audience to literally jump into "The Great American Melting Pot" keeps the show from being an overblown soundtrack and shows his ‘kiss’ method for ingenuity.

The LA production of "Schoolhouse Rock Live!" is sure to impress the kids, even if the parents just go along for the ride. It does get a bit clumsy at times, but like the cartoon, sometimes it’s just good fun to watch a show that is colorful outside of the lines.

"Schoolhouse Rock Live!"
Greenway Court Theatre
544 N. Fairfax Ave.
Los Angeles, CA  90036
323-655-7679 ext 100
Runs through Feb 24.
Admission: $20 Children $15

Photos by Ed Krieger

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MR Hunter