Arts & Culture

“Justica Now” Sheds Light on Big Oil Devastation in the Ecuadorian Rainforest

Cash for your car

Justicia Now is a documentary about a horrific situation in the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador that is the site of the largest oil spill in world history.

MoFilms’ Justicia Now, a 30 minute documentary with appearances by Daryl Hannah & Stuart Townsend is a revolutionary documentary about one peoples fight against big oil. The premier was originally slated for the 2007 Artivist Film Festival, however, due to corporate greenwashing, the film was retracted from the festival.

Chevron/Texaco’s illegal archaic oil extraction methods have left a legacy of sickness and death. A group of peoples called Los Affectados ( the affected ones ) that are taking Chevron/Texaco to court in the largest environmental class action lawsuit ever. A lawsuit due to close in 2008.

Keeping with the Mofilms tradition, not just the tragedy of the situation is featured, but also a solution. Ecuador has asked for help to preserve the Yasuni Nat’l Rainforest next door, and its isolated indigenous.

Ironically enough the 2007 Artivist Film Festival was originally set to be SPONSORED BY PETROBRAS, the same big oil company planning to drill in the Yasuni, at the cost of indegenous lives.

For the purpose of mass dissemination, Justicia Now will be launched as a FREE for all download at on November 11th.

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