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The Freedom Alliance Offers Tuition Assistance to the Children of California?s Fallen Soldiers – Deadline July 20

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Having a loved one in the military is not an easy thing to live with.  Losing that person or having them come home seriously wounded is even harder.  Hoping to ease some of that pain is the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund that provides college scholarships to dependents of soldiers severely injured in the line of duty.  

Now accepting applications for the 2007-2008 academic year, The Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund honors the bravery and dedication of Americans in our armed forces who have sacrificed life or limb in the defense of our country by providing college scholarships to their children. 

"We can never fully give back to our brave service members what they have sacrificed for us and the cause of freedom," said Freedom Alliance President Tom Kilgannon, "but what we can do is show our appreciation by helping their children pay for college."

Kilgannon continued, "We also know that Camp Pendleton ranks among the highest in troop deployments, so we want to reach out to those families who have lost a loved one and let them know that Freedom Alliance is ready to assist their children who are going to college."

The application deadline for the 2007-2008 academic year is July 20, 2007. Freedom Alliance is accepting applications from dependent children of U.S. military personnel who have been killed or permanently disabled (100% VA rating) in the line of duty during the War on Terror (Iraq, Afghanistan, Philippines, etc.) and other theatres of operation. Students must be enrolled or accepted at an accredited college, university or vocational school.

Over the years, the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund has provided hundreds of college scholarships to students whose parents have been killed or permanently disabled in such conflicts as the Persian Gulf War, the liberation of Grenada, and the 1983 terrorist attack on the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut. More recently, Freedom Alliance provided scholarship assistance to the dependent children of military personnel who were killed in the October 2000 terrorist attack on the USS Cole and in the September 11 terrorist attack on the Pentagon. Since its inception, Freedom Alliance has provided more than $1,000,000 in college scholarships to the sons and daughters of American heroes.

Radio and television personality Sean Hannity will host five "Hannity Freedom Concerts" in five cities this summer to benefit the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund including one on July 26th at the Coors Amphitheatre in San Diego, California. Other Freedom Concerts will be held in Atlanta, Georgia on July 10; Cincinnati, Ohio on August 9; Dallas, Texas on August 14, and Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey on September 11. To purchase tickets or for more information, visit

For more information about the Freedom Alliance Scholarship Fund or to download an application, visit

The mission of Freedom Alliance is to advance the American heritage of freedom by honoring and encouraging military service, defending the sovereignty of the United States, and promoting a strong national defense.


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