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Freedom Fuels

If you never knew about bio-diesel, ethanol and straight vegetable oil as being the renewal fuel sources that could challenge the petroleum industry, then this documentary just might be compulsory viewing.

Exploring the interaction between the oil companies and their alternatives over the last 150 years, it is apparent that the American public is not exposed to the information needed to drive them toward making different decisions about fueling their cars and to place sharp focus on the way we use energy in the world without destroying life as we know it.

The fact that European governments have been steadily working on implementing solutions to the worldwide energy crisis means that their consumers have options that Americans simply do not get to contemplate.

From 2003, countries in Europe have been producing vehicles that get more miles to the gallon (up from 25 to 30 miles per gallon on average). These numbers are in stark contrast to the US where cars’ mileage decreased from 25 to 23 miles per gallon up to the present day.

It is already known that California has been gouged over electricity and petrol prices in the past. The fact that the Midwest and East Coast have over 700 stations that offer consumers a choice in fuels means that having only one plant in San Diego for the entire West Coast is almost a criminal offence of withholding.
Who knew that you could fuel a Mercedes with bio-diesel or that you could even but a car today that used it? These are things Californians need to know and to know now.

Although the production quality of the film is a little raw, it is a thought-provoking piece, which cuts between interviews with leaders in the biofuel industry, eco–celebrities (such as Daryl Hannah and Willie Nelson) and humorous television clips. There is also commentary with regard to the unsustainable ways that countries may produce biofuels, which is allowing the clearing of the rainforest and other potential ecological disasters.

It’s time for the American people to get the choices and options in the lives they work so hard to sustain. If seeing this movie, exploring new energy ideas and writing to Sacramento can get the ball rolling, maybe the West Coast can enjoy some relief at the pump that the rest of the country has had for years.
Freedom Fuels
USA 2006, 49mins
Director Martin O’Brien
2006 Winner of Environmental Preservation Award, Artivist Film Festival

To get a free download of the film visit

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