Beauty & Body Health & Fitness

Stay Young It’s Easier Than You Think!

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Staying fit, healthy and, most importantly, young, has become a way of life.? We exercise regularly (or at least try), we take a variety of vitamins and supplements and we have a wealth of nutritional information at our fingertips.? Anti-aging clinics are sprouting up everywhere, promising a more youthful appearance almost instantly.

But when it comes to Father Time, we are powerless.? No matter how many vitamins you take or how many calories you burn on the treadmill, you still can?t stop the body from aging.? As humans, we are part of the universal lifecycle: we are born, we reproduce, we get old and then, finally we die.? We are genetically programmed to get out of the way and make way for the next generation.? We all take preventative measures to slow the appearance of aging on the outside, but not the inside.? But what if you could stop the aging process from the inside out?

Dr. Gary LondonThat is where Dr. Gary London comes in.? Author of the book on health and hormones, ?Thank You Suzanne Somers?, Dr. London?s anti-aging practice deals with a more total-body approach that makes you younger from the inside out.? The secret?? Hormone Optimization.

Hormones are the driving force behind our youthfulness, energy and strength.? As we get older, our hormone levels start to taper off.? Even as young as 35, they begin to drop below their optimum levels.? This is what aging is and what is responsible for the physical decline that aging brings.? To save you from that fate, Dr London restores your hormones to youthful levels, literally stopping the aging process in its tracks or even reversing the affects.

The best part is how easy it is.? With minimal effort on your part, he will help you build muscle, reduce fat, improve skin texture, sleep better and have more energy.? Improved sex drive and performance are other major benefits of youthful hormone levels.? Unlike the usual exercise and diet programs, this requires very little from you.

After evaluating your hormone status and identifying any deficiencies, Dr. London not only prescribes the bioidentical hormones you need, but has them delivered to you from a compounding pharmacy.? Then, in a very hands-on way, he personally monitors your progress.? He arranges for periodic blood tests to make sure your prescriptions are perfect and gives you easy to understand written progress reports.

You can?t stop the years from adding up, but you can hold back the changes that we all associate with getting old.? With Dr. London?s help and hormone optimization, you can actually ?Put Old on Hold?, living young and healthy for longer than you could have ever imagined.

For more on Dr. London, read our interview.

Gary London, M.D.
9201 Sunset Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA

[email protected]


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About the author

Jane Emery