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FACT: Quick fix fad type diets do not work when it comes to getting long term RESULTS!  There are several ‘quick fix’ type supplement companies being sued right now for this very reason.  BE AWARE:  A lot of these supplements are down right scary and can be harmful to your health!

These quick fix ‘diets’ do not provide the body the proper nutrients it needs and can end up having a reverse effect – storing fat, weakening the immune system & leading to poor health.  PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM ANY PILL OR SUPPLEMENT THAT CLAIMS DRAMATIC RESULTS IN A VERY SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME!

The ONLY proven method of consistent fat loss and creating a healthy-fit body, mind and spirit is to follow an effective total body fitness program and combine it with a sensible, healthy nutrition plan!  Everyone can do it!  Here are some helpful tips to help you on your journey to a healthy mind and fit body!

It’s all about bridging the gap and creating BALANCE between nutrition & fitness!  In the end…. the CHOICE IS YOURS!

Eat Clean – Fuel the Body Properly:  When it comes to fitness training and nutrition – 75% of your RESULTS will come from your nutrition intake.  It’s about making smart choices on a consistent basis.  CONSISTENT ‘HEALTHY CHOICES’ will lead to a lean-toned body, clear thinking, reduced stress and an overall improved quality of life!  CONSISTENT ‘UNHEALTHY CHOICES’ lead to obesity, low energy levels, stress, depression and illness.

Regardless of the type of sport, activity or training program that you participate in your body and mind to be operating at optimum levels for maximum growth, recovery & RESULTS.  Stick to clean sources of protein, carbohydrates & fats.  When I say ‘CLEAN’ I mean organic when possible, trimmed of fat cuts.  The 40-30-30 method is proven and works great!  This means that 40% of your daily caloric intake comes from carbohydrates, 30% from protein and 30% from healthy fats.  Do your absolute best to cut out all refined sugars (soda, candy, cookies, ice cream, ect.).  Large amounts of these types of foods will stop your results and toxify your system!  If you have a SWEET TOOTH and cannot live without your sweets every now and then be sure to replace them with natural sugars such as fruit and fruit juice sweetened snacks.

Cut out ALL ‘TRANS-FATS’!  You’ll find them in most fast foods & packaged foods ( ALWAYS READ LABELS).  Trans- Fats are man-made, artery clogging fats that science has proven cause heart disease and DEATH!  Nasty stuff!

I am not asking you to deprive yourself of the foods you love.  That would be torture and you would most likely end up binging (hence DIETS DO NOT WORK!   Just look at the first three letters of the word DIE ‘T’.)  I am not into FAD DIETS or ANY DIETS for that matter.  I am into eating clean, making smart healthy choices and creating a nutrition & fitness plan that you can do for LIFE!

Baby steps lead to leaps and bounds when one is focused & consistent!

FLUSH OUT THOSE TOXINS within your body daily by drinking lots of H2O and eating foods high in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables.  Eat as much ‘live’ food as possible, which will energize your body, mind and spirit – GO GREEN!  Stick to quality carbohydrate sources – stone cut oatmeal (unflavored – use Stevia Leaf for sweetener – a natural great tasting alternative), brown rice, organic yams, and sweet potatoes.  Stick with healthy lean protein sources such as lean (organic) chicken, fish and turkey.  If you eat red meat, think moderation and choose lean organic cuts.  I recommend cutting back and limiting yourself to 1 time per week (or month) if you do eat red meat.  When it comes to fats, again, do you absolute best to eliminate all trans-fats and processed/packaged foods.

Be aware of your portion sizes as this can add lots of unwanted calories, which in turn is stored as fat.  Eating out can be a trap.  Most restaurants serving size is actually enough to feed a family of 5!  The BEST way of controlling portion size is to eat at home and use a scale!  Of course we cannot always do that so some great advice to follow when eating out is ask for ½ the regular size ‘or’ split the entrée with whomever your with.  Skip the enriched white bread and nachos.

Moderation is the KEY to nutrition success.

Again, never deprive yourself of what you love…. except of course if it’s harmful to your system.  Once a week have that ‘cheat meal’ and treat yourself!

ALCOHOL: If you do ‘choose’ to consume alcohol, it’s best to keep intake to a minimum.  Our recommendation is to eliminate alcohol completely to get the BEST RESULTS.  The reason being is that alcohol adds ‘empty’ calories to your daily intake (calories that could be coming from clean, muscle building, fat burning sources).  It has also been scientifically proven to decrease cardio output by as much as 30% (after just 1 glass of wine, 1 beer or 1 ounce of hard alcohol.)

If your goal is build a healthy fit body and mind – DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL.

BOTTOM LINE ON ALCOHOL:  If your goal is to get lean, fit and healthy – Alcohol intake should be eliminated completely to obtain maximum results!

COFFEE: There is and always will be a lot of controversy regarding coffee intake and health.  Yes, coffee is a diuretic that will dehydrate your system, if you drink too much and don’t fuel your body with enough H2O.  Coffee can also be very harsh on the stomach and internal organs when consumed in large quantities.

Rule of thumb for coffee drinkers:  If you feel that you must drink coffee, always drink in moderation and be sure you are drinking enough H2O – at least ½ your bodyweight in ounces daily.

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants and can be a great tasting alternative to coffee (hot or cold).     

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