Home & Family

Vive Lends Families a Helping Hand

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During the holidays, amid family and cheer, we not only remember the blessings in our own life, but we often reach out to those who are less unfortunate than ourselves. Sometimes, though, families have problems that can’t be solved with a donation. These families, despite all their best efforts and intentions, must seek outside help for their troubled teens, and Vive is one of the best programs available. Now with offices open in Beverly Hills, Vive’s nationally recognized treatment centers is available to families in Southern California.


Terry Tierney, CEO of Vive, estimates that there are as many as 500,000 at-risk or underachieving teens in the country. Though the number is alarming, it’s not so surprising when you consider the sheer volume of temptations and decisions teens face today. To counteract these multiple struggles, Vive works with teams of trained professionals to offer the most effective therapy possible. In addition to Vive’s own team of therapists, the program allows your teen and your family to reach out to collaborate with other mental health professionals as needed.


Vive understands that there is no magic bullet, but the program’s goals remain the same for all situations:


  • To rebuild the trust and confidence in the teen that will promote responsible choices and the development of healthy relationships
  • To help the family create a home environment that is physically and emotionally safe, supportive, and appropriately structured in order to optimize the teen’s healing process
  • To work in collaboration with other healing professionals as appropriate to provide the most potent, seamless healing solution possible.


Led by Kathy Mackinnon, an experienced personal life coach with a Master’s in Education, Vive’s Bevery Hills office is staffed with therapeutic professionals to mentor and coach families and adolescents. Vive’s mentors must hold at least a master’s in counseling, social work, or a related mental health field, and they must show past success working with teens in a mental health and/or adolescent context. In addition to these requirements, each mentor must undergo Vive’s exhaustive training.


?Amid all this talk of troubled teens, people often forget that the whole family is involved–but not Vive. Parents and parent coaches typically work together from 1 to 2 hours each week, but they may consult with each other on an as-needed basis as well. Beyond the hours of the day, however, Vive’s parent coaches aim for a deeper transformation, one that encourages a change in parenting techniques and style. These changes can take the form of new approaches to communication, stricter or better defined boundaries and their subsequent consequences, or the establishment of family habits or customs. As simple and as necessary as these changes may seem, parents may need serious guidance to implement these rules. The result, however, is an improved home environment for the healing child.


Tough love. Spare the rod, spoil the child. Kill them with kindness. There are as many childcare philosophies as there are families, but the ultimate goal is the same: to raise a child who has the self-belief and knowledge to make their own sound decisions. If you are struggling with an at-risk teen or know someone who is, Vive could be the helping hand your family may need.?



9150 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 104

Beverly Hills, CA 90212

(800) 261-0127

About the author

Gianna Brighton