Beauty & Body

A Hair-Free Existence: Everything You Need To Know About Laser Hair Removal

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The U.S. is beauty-obsessed. As the nation that performs the most number of cosmetic procedures in the entire world, we are hyper-aware of our looks — although it’s not like the beauty industry is a recent development; humans have been ornamenting themselves and altering their appearance for millennia (nail polish alone dates back to 3000 BC). Though plastic surgery operations are quite popular, laser hair removal is one of the top non-surgical cosmetic procedures available today.

How Does It Work?

Laser treatment is used for a number of reasons, from the minimization of wrinkles to pain management. Because many women shave nearly every part of their bodies, it is most commonly used for hair removal; a laser emits a light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair. This light energy is converted to heat, which damages the hair follicles. The more treatments you receive, the more future hair growth is delayed or inhibited.

What To Look Out For

The World Association of Laser Therapy has established that only doses between five and 10 joules per centimeter squared cause a biological response in cells; this means that only a qualified individual with experience in the medical field — and unique training with laser technology — should be working on your body. Your skin is an exceedingly sensitive organ, and if your beauty technician hasn’t been properly educated in laser hair removal, they could cause some damage.

That’s what happened to several patients who visited a medspa in Kansas City, Missouri. Although the treatments were performed by registered nurses, that doesn’t necessarily mean they knew what they were doing; several patients left the clinic with second-degree burns, an injury categorized by blisters, deep redness, and skin that is painful to the touch. There are 3.9 million nurses in the U.S., but that doesn’t mean they’re all capable of performing laser hair removal. Be sure to do your research ahead of time.

Smooth Living

That being said, such damage is rare. You shouldn’t be discouraged from pursuing laser hair removal, just cautious! After all, there are a number of perks. Between spending less time shaving and less money on razors, you’ll be amazed at how much you can benefit from this non-invasive procedure. In fact, women suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal disorder, can regain some control of their lives thanks to the treatment; one of the common side effects of the disorder is male pattern hair growth on the face and chest, which can seriously impact self-esteem and self-confidence. When shaving, waxing, tweezing, and a variety of other hair removal options fail, laser treatment can help.

Whether you’re looking to tame that bikini line or are battling PCOS, you can benefit from laser hair removal. As long as you take the time to find a certified technician at a trusted medspa, you’ll be loving the new, smooth you!

About the author

Timothy Werth