Arts & Culture

Scribble Press’ Author/Illustrator Kit Publishes Your Kid’s Work

Cash for your car

Become a published author without college or even high school education. The Scribble Press’ Author/Illustrator Kit is the signature kit for creating a professionally bound paperback book with a typeset cover.

Scribble-PressKids write and create their own story and illustrations. Then, they can just send the book back to Scribble Press in the enclosed envelope or drop it off at the Santa Monica location and Scribble Press takes care of the rest. Include a photo in the envelope with your book and get it back with a Dedication Page, About the Author, and even an author photo on the back cover. Scribble Press will mail the finished book to the author or it can be picked up in the store.

Extra copies of the book are $15 and make a great gift item to share with friends and family.

Scribble Press

Created by two moms, Darcy Pollack and Anna Barber, Scribble Press is a place for kids and families to write, illustrate, and publish their own books. The store is a fully equipped art studio complete with printing and bookbinding on site.

For more information visit or call (310) 899-0495.

About the author

Michelle Mitchell